Page 154 - Lockdown Diary
P. 154

Dode the Sodge                          Tommy Tank
            Nagh I’m no believing you walk about with
            your prick in the air ,,,,  09:21

            I’ve seen it you could cover it with a thimble
       Scott Chuckle                                going to upgrade to 65".....anyone want to
       If I did not love you so much I could hate   bid for this?
       you!!                     09:24
                                               Scott Chuckle
            Dode the Sodge
                                               If its anything like you I'll get a rubbish
            Love you to ya prick      09:24    reception!!              14:33

             Tommy Tank                             Tommy Tank
                                                    make a bid ya ginger cheapskate.....its going
                                                    to charity...            14:34

                                                    Tommy Tank
                                                    Do I have a tenner from the Ginger in
                                                    Spectacles at the back?   14:39

                                               Scott Chuckle
                                               £9.00                    14:39

                                                    Tommy Tank
                                      10:27         Sold .....Scott you are now the proud owner
                                                    of a PICTURE of a Toshiba 55" which is a
                                                    Smart TV....unlike you    Now which charity
       Scott Chuckle                                are you donating the £9.00 to?
       Through a straw ya fanny!  10:39                                      14:43
                                               Scott Chuckle
            Tommy Tank
                                               Boris!                   14:43
            true.....ah well at least you've owned up to
            holding your hand in the air....  10:41
                                                    Tommy Tank
            Dode the Sodge                          True story. I wanted a new smart tv so I
            That’s brilliant          11:00         bought this one. At the same one of these
                                                    obvious potential scam adverts popped up
                                                    on fb..."New Samsung 65" Curved Screen
                                                    Smart TV..RRP £850.00....this month's star
                                                    buy reduced to £85.00. I thought fuck it I'll
                                                    order one knowing I would never see the TV
                                                    or my £85 again.....but just in case. Got an

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