Page 159 - Lockdown Diary
P. 159

Tommy Tank                              Tommy Tank
               Gentlemen ....and Scott.....Eric The Actual
               Hun and Tommy The Token Hun shall be have
               a few cold beers in Bedford Court Courtyard
               tomorrow circa 17.30 hours......practising
               safe sexual distancing of course ...all
               welcome                   16:56

          Winton Chuckle
          Scott and I were thinking Saturday a ernoon
          Tommy. How does that suit?  16:58

               Dode the Sodge
               Fuck off you do this shit on purpose, plus
               your shity quiz “ Ram It “  16:58

          Winton Chuckle
          Envy is a terrible thing George.  16:58

                Tommy Tank                                                      17:04

                                                  Keith Bawbag
                                                  Great memories Thomas    17:07

                                                       Tommy Tank
                                                       Saturday would be great Winton and
                                                       Scott.....Eric reschedule or stick to Friday?

                                                       Keith I think we pissed ourselves laughing
                                                       day and night            17:09
                                                  Winton Chuckle

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