Page 158 - Lockdown Diary
P. 158
Dode the Sodge Keith Bawbag
It could get nasty 19:25 Keeping my fingers crossed that the BBC can
make it through today without running a
story on Dame Vera Lynn, white racist symbol
Dode the Sodge of British Colonial Imperial warmongering
who in over 100 years did not once
collaborate with Biggy Smalla to do a
version of the BAME Cliffs of Dover 14:25
From Des 14:25
Tommy Tank
Scott Chuckle
Fuck! You are so negative. You even find fault
with the forces darling
Over to you George. 16:01
Dode the Sodge
22:40 Over to me ??????
Well ok
“ I did shag her once “
JUNE 18, 2020 There I’ve said it 16:22
Keith Bawbag Scott Chuckle
Julia? 16:26
Winton Chuckle
Naw twice. 16:37
Dode the Sodge
Aye Winton but the second time she was full
off the Gin 16:37
Scott Chuckle
Vera or Julia? 16:50
Tommy Tank
Dode the Sodge
It was a 3 sum with Angela Mirkle 16:53