Page 155 - Lockdown Diary
P. 155

                    Scott Chuckle
               Tommy Tank
               order confirmation but could not get any
               email response on shipping so gave up.
               Imagine my surprise when I started getting
               regular shipping updates from China! I
               logged on on Thursday and it said "Package
               Delivered by Royal Mail 04/06/20"
               WTF.....a er being on hold to Royal Mail for
               90 mins I got through to a lovely lady. She
               confirmed the tracking order and delivery on
               04/06/20 but there was a slight discrepancy
               on the door number from mine. I said "are
               you telling me one of my neighbours is sitting
               watching You've Been Framed on my 65"
               Sumsung Smart TV?" she said "I doubt
               that.......the package weighed 8 oz and was
               posted through the letter box.....I suspect it
               was a PICTURE of a 65" Samsung TV....You've
               Been Scammed"             15:03

               Dode the Sodge
               Fuckin banned from face book fuck sake  18:52

                       JUNE 14, 2020

               Eric the Hun
               Just heard a good one from a pal in Cumnock
               talking about Peter Crouch show .He was  Tommy Tank
               saying about his teeth and said he could eat  Brilliant
               an apple through a letterbox.!!!!  09:23                         16:14

               Tommy Tank
               Hey Eric....Happy Hun Day   12:38

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