Page 15 - Lenten Meditations 2021 electronic edition_Stations of the Cross
P. 15

W e e k   T h r e e

                           The Revelation of Christ

           Galatians 1:11-12 For I want you to know, brothers and sisters,
           that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin;
           for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it,
           but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
           As Paul reflects on his conversion and that revelation from God in
           the blinding light, we too need to look for those places in our lives
           when we were stopped dead in our tracks facing our mis-direction
           in life.

           Mine came while I was in college after having been raised to
           protect myself from any form of sinful associations.  The
           circumstance of a friend in trouble took me to a bar to rescue him
           and his job if the boss discovered him drunk on the job.
           I feared being lured into the same wrongdoing, but I knew without
           a doubt that God was sending me to do his work. I have never
           doubted the existence of God’s abiding, protecting presence since
           that moment and that we are called to take such risks to grow in
           faith and work for God.

           The reality of that revelation, as with Paul, grew in me, just as I
           was growing to feel God’s call to ministry. The truth is that
           conversion keeps happening. Paul learned the same thing. Pay
           attention to those smaller conversion moments, small, but
           powerful nonetheless, moments that change and grow in you.

           Let us pray: Sursum Corda (set to verse by Walter J. Mathams,
               Christ of the upward way, my Guide divine,
               Where Thou hast set Thy feet, may I place mine;
               And move and march wherever Thou hast trod,
               Keeping face forward up the hill of God.

               Give me the heart to hear Thy voice and will,
               That without fault or fear I may fulfill
               Thy purpose with a glad and holy zest,
               Like one who would not bring less than his best.

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