Page 68 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 68

Fine Arts

               Music Courses

               AP Music Theory                                    Chorale
               Grades 10-12                                       Grades 9-12
               Course Number 581                                  Course Number 597
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Prerequisite:  None                                Prerequisite:  Audition
               Estimated Fee:  AP Test Registration               Estimated Fee:  None
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                 Education                                          Education
               Career:  A                                         Career:  A

               With recommendations from and the approval
               of  the  College  Board,  the  Advanced            Chorale  is  an  advanced  singing  group
               Placement Music Theory course work models          consisting  of  students  with  prior  choral
               a college music class.                             experience. Entrance into this ensemble is by
               In an AP Music Theory course, students are         audition  or  at  director  discretion.   All
               required to read, notate, write, sing, and listen   performances and rehearsals are mandatory.
               to  music. Students will  learn  basic musical     This choir works on more advanced musical
               language  and  grammar  including  note            concepts  through  sight-reading  and  the
               reading, musical notation, harmonic                rehearsal  and  performance  of  sophisticated
               analysis, and part writing which will lead to a    musical literature. The Chorale is made up of
               thorough     understanding     of     music        members who strive to convey a meaningful
               composition and music theory.  Students will       musical  aesthetic  through  themselves  for
               also  recognize  the  development  of  music       their audiences. This is done through a focus
               from a historical and cultural perspective and     on  the  interpretation  of  texts  and  the
               extend  musical  awareness  beyond  music          conveying  of  this     meaning  through
               currently  familiar  to  the  student.  Students   exceptional diction, dynamics, and phrasing.
               enrolled in this course are required to take the   The  choir  performs  evening  concerts  in
               A.P. exam in May                                   school and the metropolitan area, which may
                                                                  include  competitions  and  festivals.  These

                                                                  evening commitments are a required part of
                                                                  the course.

                                                                  By meeting additional requirements, juniors
                                                                  and  seniors  will  be  able  to  obtain  honors
                                                                  credit for this course. The various options for
                                                                  earning the honors credit will be presented to
                                                                  students in the spring of the preceding school

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