Page 69 - Course Catalog 2018-2019 (UPDATED 1-25-18)
P. 69

Fine Arts

               Concert Choir                                      Marching and Concert
               Grades 9-12                                        Band
               Course Number 592
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Grades 9-12
               Prerequisite:  None                                Course Number 564
               Estimated Fee:  None                               Full Year Course - 1 credit
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical          Prerequisite:  Audition
                 Education                                        Estimated Fee:  $25.00
               Career:  A                                         Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
                                                                  Career:  A
               The  Concert  Choir  is  a  mixed  ensemble
               consisting  of  students  who  enjoy  singing.     The  Band  is  a  select  wind  ensemble  of
               Admission is voluntary on an elective basis,       students  in  grades  9-12  who  have
               and passage fulfills the required Arts credit      demonstrated  mastery  skills  at  the  high
               for  graduation.  Participation  in  the  Concert   school level.  During the fall season, this band
               Choir  expands  basic  knowledge  of  music        comprises  the  marching  band.    After  the
               through the performance and appreciation of        conclusion  of  the  marching  band  program,
               choral  music.  The  ensemble  lays  the           the band continues as a concert performance
               foundation     for   exceptional    musical        band. This band performs at various concerts,
               performance though focuses on diction, tone        festivals,  and  parades.  The  students  are
               production, and vowel formation, as well as        required to attend all events.
               improving or introducing students to reading
               music  notation  through  sight-reading.  The      The fee assessed is for band camp, which is a
               Concert Choir performs in no fewer than two        course  requirement.    Students  are  also
               evening concerts per school year. Attendance       responsible  for  purchase  of  equipment  and
               at all evening performances is mandatory for       clothing for summer parades, marching band,
               successful course completion.                      and concert band.

               Jazz Band                                          By meeting additional requirements, juniors
               Grades 9-12                                        and  seniors  will  be  able  to  obtain  honors
               Course Number 553 or 554                           credit for this course.  The various options for
               Full Year Course – 0.5 credit                      earning the honors credit will be presented to
               Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment in
                 Marching/Concert Band and Recommendation         students in the spring of the preceding school
               Estimated Fee: None                                year.
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Career:  A

               This is a comprehensive course covering jazz
               performance,  history,  and  theory.  Entrance
               into this ensemble is by audition only, and all
               performances and rehearsals are mandatory.
               Members       must     be    enrolled     in
               Marching/Concert Band to be eligible.  This
               course is a half period taken opposite lunch.
               Attendance  at  all  evening  performances  is
               mandatory for successful course completion.

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