Page 88 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 88


                                                                  based labs.  Knowledge of algebra and
               Physics Self-Paced
               Grade 11-12                                        trigonometry is required although the basic
               Course Number SP461                                ideas of calculus may be introduced in
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        connection with some physical concepts.
               Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology, and a   Students enrolled in this course are required
                 grade of C or better in Mathematics 3.           to take the A.P. exam in May.
               Estimated Fee:  $10.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound
               Career:  CORE
                                                                  AP Physics II
               The course provides the foundation for basic       Grade 12
               Physics knowledge and skills learned in            Course Number 470
               course 461. Students will have progress            Full Year Course - 1 credit
                                                                  Prerequisite:  AP Physics I
               checkpoints to meet to remain self-paced           Estimated Fee:  $10.00 and A.P. Test Registration
               and will still have required class meetings        Recommended For:  College Bound
               two or three times per week for lab or             Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               instruction.                                       AP+PLTW Pathway Course

               AP Physics I                                       With recommendations from and the
                                                                  approval of the College Board, the Advanced
               Grade 11-12                                        Placement Physics II course work models a
               Course Number 469
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        second semester college course in algebra-
               Prerequisite:  Teacher Recommendation and          based physics.
                 Mathematics 3 or above
               Estimated Fee:  $10.00 and A.P. Test Registration   The course uses Newtonian mechanics,
               Recommended For:  College Bound                    work, energy, and power to expand on the
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P
               AP+PLTW Pathway Course                             topics of fluid mechanics; thermodynamics;
                                                                  electricity and magnetism; electrical circuits;
               With recommendations from and the                  optics as well as atomic and nuclear physics.
               approval of the College Board, the Advanced        An understanding of the basic principles
               Placement Physics I course work models a           involved and the ability to apply these
               first semester college course in algebra-based     principles to a variety of problems,
               mechanics.                                         especially in the laboratory environment, are
               The course provides a systematic                   the major goals of the course.  To this end a
               introduction to the main principles of             significant portion of the course
               mechanics.   The course covers Newtonian           (approximately 35-40%) will be devoted to
               mechanics (including rotational dynamics           laboratory work with a focus on inquiry
               and angular momentum); work, energy, and           based labs.  Knowledge of algebra and
               power; and mechanical waves and sound. It          trigonometry is required although the basic
               will also introduce electric circuits.  An         ideas of calculus may be introduced in
               understanding of the basic principles              connection with some physical concepts.
               involved and the ability to apply these            Students enrolled in this course are required
               principles to a variety of problems,               to take the A.P. exam in May
               especially in the laboratory environment, are
               the major goals of the course.  To this end a
               significant portion of the course
               (approximately 35-40%) will be devoted to
               laboratory work with a focus on inquiry

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