Page 93 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 93


               Elective PLTW Courses

               Introduction to                                    precision of their design, documentation and
               Engineering Design                                 presentation techniques to communicate
                                                                  their solutions.
               Grades 9-12
               Course Number 438                                  The major focus of the course is to develop
               Full Year Course - 1 technology credit             and hone math and computer skills that
               Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment or completion of
                                Mathematics 1                     promote creative design solutions to a
               Estimated Fee:  $24.00                             variety of problems while improving
               Recommended For:  B, E, F                          technical documentation and a variety of
               AP+PLTW Pathway Course                             presentation and communication skills
                                                                  embedded in science, math and technology
               This is the introductory course in our             concepts.
               engineering program.  The major focus of
               the course is to expose students to the design     This course will fulfill the technology
               process, research and analysis, teamwork,          graduation requirement.
               communication methods, global and human
               impacts, engineering standards, and
               technical documentation.   Students will use       Human Body Systems
               3D solid modeling design software to help          Grades 10-12
               them design solutions to solve proposed            Course Number 445
               problems, to learn how to document their           Full Year Course – 1 elective credit
               work, and to communicate their solutions.          Prerequisite:  Principles of the Biomedical Sciences
                                                                  Estimated Fee:  $24.00
                                                                  Recommended For:  B, E, F, H, P
               This course will fulfill the technology            AP+PLTW Pathway Course
               graduation requirement.
                                                                  This is the second course in our biomedical
               Introduction to                                    program.  Students examine the processes,

               Engineering Design Honors                          structures, and interactions of the human
                                                                  body systems to learn how they work
               Grades 9-12                                        together to maintain homeostasis (internal
               Course Number 458                                  balance) and good health.
               Full Year Course - 1 technology credit
               Prerequisite: Algebra 1
               Estimated Fee:  $24.00                             Using real-world cases, students take the
               Recommended For:  B, E, F                          role of biomedical professionals and work
               AP+PLTW Pathway Course                             together to solve medical mysteries. Hands-
                                                                  on projects include designing experiments,
               The fast-paced honors level introductory           investigating the structures and functions of
               course in our engineering program                  body systems, and using data acquisition
               formalizes a design process that applies           software to monitor body functions such as
               math, science, and engineering standards to        muscle movement, reflex and voluntary
               hands-on projects. Students will use 3D            actions, and respiratory operation.
               solid modeling design software to help them
               design solutions to solve proposed problems,       Important concepts covered in the course are
               statistics analysis to modify and validate the     communication, transport of substances,

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