Page 91 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 91


               technology; research, science and society;         This course is intended to be taken
               application of science processes, and              concurrently with another science course.
               techniques and research.

               Environmental Science                                Explorations in

               Self-Paced                                         Engineering Option

               Grades 11-12
               Course Number SP452                                Grade 12
               Full Year Course - 1 credit                        Course Number 444

               Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology      Full Year Course – 1 advanced science credit

               Estimated Fee:  $15.00                             Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology, and
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical            Mathematics 2
                 Education                                        Estimated Fee:  $24.00
               Career:  A,B,E,F,H,P                               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               The course provides the foundation for basic       Career:  B,E,F

               environmental science knowledge and skills         This course will intensely explore a variety
               learned in course 452.   Students will have        of engineering topics using a project-based
               progress checkpoints to meet to remain self-       approach.  The extensive theory and analysis
               paced and will still have required class            will include the mathematical and physical
               meetings two-three times per week for lab or       properties that explain the nature of the
               instruction.                                       design.  In addition, the course will
                                                                  emphasize that engineering design fills a

               Explorations in                                    customer need and has constraints.  Project
                                                                  constraints will include limitations in design
               Engineering                                        requirements, manufacturability, cost
               Grades 11-12                                       analysis, and more.
               Course Number 444                                  This course is intended to be taken
               Full Year Course – 1 advanced science credit       concurrently with another science course.

               Prerequisite:  9 Physical Science, 10 Biology, and
                 Mathematics 2
               Estimated Fee:  $24.00
               Recommended For:  College Bound/Technical
               Career:  B,E,F

               This course will intensely explore a variety
               of engineering topics using a project-based
               approach.  The extensive theory and analysis
                will include the mathematical and physical
               properties that explain the nature of the
               design.  In addition, the course will
               emphasize that engineering design fills a
               customer need and has constraints.  Project
               constraints will include limitations in design
               requirements, manufacturability, cost
               analysis, and more.

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