Page 94 - Course Catalog 2019-2020 (updated 2-4-19)
P. 94
locomotion, metabolic processes, defense, Principles of the Biomedical
and protection.
Sciences Self-Paced
Principles of the Biomedical Grades 9-12
Course Number SP435
Sciences Full Year Course – 1technology credit
Grades 9-12 Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $24.00
Course Number 435 Recommended For: B, E, F, H, P
Full Year Course – 1technology credit AP+PLTW Pathway Course
Prerequisite: None
Estimated Fee: $24.00 The course provides the foundation for basic
Recommended For: B, E, F, H, P biomedical science knowledge and skills
AP+PLTW Pathway Course learned in course 435. Students will have
progress checkpoints to meet to remain self-
This is the introductory course to our paced and will still have required class
biomedical program. Students will meetings two-three times per week for lab or
investigate concepts of biology and instruction.
medicine as they explore health conditions
including heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell
disease, hypercholesterolemia, and Computer Integrated
infectious diseases. Manufacturing
They will determine the factors that led to Grades 10-12
the death of a fictional person as they Course Number 480
Full Year Course – 1 elective credit
sequentially piece together evidence found Prerequisite: None
in her medical history and her autopsy Estimated Fee: $24.00
report. Students will investigate lifestyle Recommended For: B, E, F
choices and medical treatments that might AP+PLTW Pathway Course
have prolonged the person’s life and This is the intended second course in our
demonstrate how the development of disease engineering program. Manufacturing uses
is related to changes in the human body computers and robotics to transforms ideas
systems. into products we use daily and this course
The activities and projects introduce provides a better understanding of this
innovative and exciting automated industry.
students to human physiology, basic Students learn about manufacturing processes,
biology, medicine, and research processes product design, robotics, and automation and
and allow students to design experiments to learn to build and code to make their designs
solve problems. come to life. Students develop their
knowledge and skills of Computer Aided
This course will fulfill the technology Design and Manufacturing to produce
graduation requirement. products using a Computer Numerical
Controlled (CNC) mill. Students apply the
knowledge and skills gained in this course as
they collaborate to design, build, and program
factory system models with Robot C, G and
M code and more.