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            In the name of Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, the Most Gracious, the
            Most  Merciful.  All  praise  is  merely  to  The  Mightiest  Allah
            Subhanahu Wata’ala, the lord of the worlds, for his gracious mercy
            and  tremendous  blessing  that  enable  me  to  accomplish  this
            application.  Shalawat  and  salam  may  always  be  upon  our
            adoration and esteemed model, Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu
            Alaihi Wasallam, all of his families, companions, and followers.

            Last  but  not  least,  my  special  gratitude  and  indebtedness  are
            dedicated to my beloved mother, and father, who always give their
            loves, prayers, supports, and encouragements for every single path
            the I chooses. Special thankfullness is also to my beloved wife,
            daughter and son for their loves, prayers, supports.

            This  application  entitled  “Speaking,  Cooperative  Learning,
            Audiolingual, and Self-Esteem” is published to help many other
            researchers in understanding deeper about those research variables
            whether  for  fulfilling  the  requirements  in  accomplishing  their
            study or for personal use.

            Hopefully, this material would give a positive contribution to the
            educational development or those who want to carry out further

            (Abdul Kadir Bagis, M. Pd)
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