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(oral  speaking)  is  a  two  way  process  between  speaker  and
            listener  and  involves  the  productive  skill  of  speaking  and  the

            receptive skill of understanding. Meanwhile, Nunan (1991: 390)
            explains speaking as the single most important aspect of learning

            a second or foreign language.

                Based on the definition above, it can be said that speaking is
            the  most  important  factor  of  productive  skill  as  direct  route

            from  one  mind  to  another  that  can  be  observed  directly  and
            empirically as  a  two  way process  between speaker and listener

            for interaction, transaction, and talk performance as an important

            aspect of learning.
            2.    The Components of Speaking

                Like   other   English   language   skill   with   their   own
            components,  there  are  some  components  of  speaking  skill,

            namely:  grammar,  vocabulary,  pronunciation,     fluency,     and
            comprehension    (Brown,    2004:    172).   The following are the

            description of those components.

            a.  Grammar

               Grammar is one of the important components in speaking.  It

            is  a  language  aspect  that  relates  whether  or  not  the  speaker  is
            able to use the correct form of the language he learns. Ur (1991:

            75) states that grammar is sometimes defined as the way words

            are  put  together  to  make  correct  sentences  and  speak  in  the
            target  language  (English)  by  using  good,  correct  sentences.

            Sentences   are   made   of   combination   of   words   using   the

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