Page 123 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  The  Holy  Spirit  does  not  promote Himself  or  draw   will  burn up  the  chaff  with unquenchable  fire.”  (Mt.
               attention  to Himself. He came to  promote  and  glorify   3:12)
               the Lord  Jesus  Christ.  Nowhere in  the New  Testament   This   could  not  be  plainer.  The  baptism  with  fire
               do we  find  the apostles  praying to  the Holy  Spirit  or   refers   to  the  day  when  Christ  will  return  and  visit
               worshipping the Holy Spirit or inviting the Holy Spirit to   unbelievers with  everlasting punishment  in  the lake of
               come into their midst or in any other way promoting or   fire. Compare Is. 66:15-16; Mal. 3:2-4:1; 1 Th. 1:9-11;
               seeking the Spirit Himself. The Lord Jesus  Christ taught   and Re. 19-20.
               us to  pray to the Father, not to  the Holy Spirit (Mt. 6:6,   The  Scriptures   warn  that  the  baptism  of  fire  is
               9;  Jn.  16:23).  Christ’s   own  prayers   were  always   eternal torment. We can praise God that because of the
               addressed  to the Father  (Mt. 11:25;  26:39;  Jn. 11:41;   blood  of  Christ  no born  again  Christian  will  ever  be
               12:28; 14:16; 17:1). The apostle Paul taught us to pray   baptized by fire.
               to God the Father  through the Lord Jesus  Christ by  the   The  word  “fire”  is   used  83  times   in  the  New
               Holy  Spirit  (Ro. 1:8;  7:25).  The  Holy  Spirit  promotes   Testament, and in the vast majority of instances  it refers
               the Lord Jesus  Christ and focuses  the believer’s  attention   to judgment  by  fire  in  hell. In  only  one verse  is  fire”
               upon Christ. The believer does not even receive the Holy   used in connection with the Holy Spirit’s  ministration to
               Spirit  by  seeking  the Holy  Spirit;  he receives the Holy   saved people in this  present life, and that is the “cloven
               Spirit by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ (Ep. 1:12-14).   tongues like as  of  fire”  in  Acts  2:3. To claim that  this
                  8.  WE  REJECT  THE  PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC   verse  is  a  fulfillment  of  the baptism  with  fire of  Mt.
               MOVEMENT  BECAUSE  OF  THE  FALSE  DOCTRINE       3:11-12  is to ignore the plain  context  of  that  passage
               ABOUT THE “BAPTISM OF FIRE.”                      and is also to ignore the consistent biblical usage of fire
                  Since  its   inception  the  Pentecostal  movement  has   as a term of judgment.
               held various  doctrines  pertaining to a baptism of fire for   9.  WE  REJECT  THE  PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC
               Christians. Some Pentecostal groups  have even named   MOVEMENT BECAUSE OF THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT
               themselves  such  things as  “Fire  Baptized  Holy  Ghost”   TONGUES SPEAKING IS FOR TODAY.
               people.  In  his history  of  the  Assemblies  of  God  Carl   The view that tongues  is  a gift for every believer and
               Brumback  observes:  “Many  shades  of  Protestantism   that it is to be exercised today has  been an integral part
               lurked in the background of these men and women, but   of  the  Pentecostal  movement  from  its   inception.
               now they formed a sort of ‘United Denominations,’ fused   Tongues-speaking, according  to  most  Pentecostals  and
               by a baptism of fire into a single Pentecostal body” (Like   Charismatics, has a three-fold purpose: First, it is a sign
               a River: The Early Years of the Assemblies of God, p. 13).   of the “baptism of the Holy Spirit.” In this capacity it is  a
                  This  idea of  being  baptized  by  the Holy  Spirit and   sign both to the believer himself as  well as  to those who
               fire  is  also  seen  in  the  titles  of  books   about  the   are  observing.  Second,  it  is   a  means  whereby  God
               Pentecostal-Charismatic  movement,  such  as  that  by   communicates  to the  church.  This  allegedly  occurs as
               Ralph  Martin  entitled  Fire  on  the  Earth  published  in   the messages of tongues  are interpreted. Third, it is a
               1976.  The  Toronto Airport  Christian  Fellowship  hosts   “private  prayer  language”  whereby  the  user  edifies
               “Catch the Fire” conferences. One of Toronto’s  favorite   himself.  Under  this  category  the  private  edification  is
               songs is “A Festival of Joy” by  Toronto Airport  worship   said to  produce a wide assortment of benefits, including
               leader  Jeremy Sinnott. It calls upon God to “let fire fill   encouragement during spiritual trials, physical healing,
               this  place.” Another Toronto favorite is “Let It Burn” by   spiritual guidance, even a sleep aid!
               David Ruis.                                         Consider  some  quotes   from  Pentecostals  and
                  The concept of being baptized by the Holy Spirit and   Charismatics:
               fire comes from the prophecy of John in Matthew 3:11.  “The  distinctive doctrine  of the Pentecostal churches is
                  Pentecostals have taken this prophecy and applied it   that  speaking with tongues is the ‘initial  evidence’ of
               to  themselves,  but  like  many  other  Pentecostal-  the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This article  of belief is
               Charismatic  doctrines,  this  one ignores the context  of   now incorporated in the official doctrinal schedules of
               the Scriptures and thus  results in error. John the Baptist   practically  all  Pentecostal  denominations”  (Donald
               was  speaking to the Jews  when he quoted this  prophecy.   Gee,  Now  That  You’ve  Been  Baptized  in  the  Spirit,
               Those that believed were indeed baptized with the Holy   1972).
               Spirit on the day of Pentecost, but the baptism  of fire is   “God  took  the baptism in the Holy Spirit out  of  the
               not a promise of blessing for the believer, but a warning of   theoretical  by  giving   the  believer  an  undeniable
               judgment  for  the  unbeliever.  John  explains this in  the   physical  evidence  when  the believer  was filled.  That
                                                                   evidence  is speaking with other tongues. ... The fact is
               following verse:                                    those  who receive  the  gift of the Holy Spirit will speak
                  “Whose  fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge   in  tongues”  (Charles Crabtree,  “How  Practical  Is  the
                  his floor,  and gather his wheat into the  garner; but he   Pentecostal  Lifestyle?”,  Questions  and  Answers  about

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