Page 121 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
P. 121
of hands of the apostles and no tongues in Acts 8. He 12. Verse 13 says all have been baptized by the Holy
was received by the laying on of the apostle’s hands Spirit but verse 30 says not all speak in tongues.
accompanied by tongues in Acts 19. In all other cases, Thus the baptism of the Holy Spirit occurred once on
the Holy Spirit was received by simply believing on the day of Pentecost but there was a special reception of
Jesus Christ and no laying on of hands or tongues were the Holy Spirit for the Samaritans in Acts 8 and for the
involved. This conforms to the teaching of Romans 8:9, Gentiles in Acts 10. Those were unique situations in
which says, “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, which God was showing the Jews that He was extending
he is none of his.” salvation to the nations. Normally believers participate
The doctrine of how the believer receives the Holy automatically in that one spiritual baptism when they
Spirit must be found in the majority of these cases. The are saved.
permanent and abiding pattern is for the sinner to put IT IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE BOOK
his faith in Jesus Christ and by so doing he is saved and OF ACTS IS A TRANSITIONAL BOOK.
receives the Holy Spirit and everything God wants him Not everything that is recorded therein is a pattern
to have. There is no “half-way salvation” in the Bible. for the rest of the church age. Pentecostals and
Everything God has is in Jesus Christ, and by receiving Charismatics often talk about a “book of Acts type of
Jesus Christ and believing on him the individual Christianity” or “apostolic Christianity,” but there are
receives everything. many things that the apostles did and that we find in
We see the permanent method of receiving the Holy Acts that have not been done in New Testament
Spirit in Acts 2:37-42, which describes the first believers churches since then. The ministry of the apostles was
under the new dispensation after the coming of the Holy unique. The apostles could lay hands on people to
Spirit. The law of first mention is an important method receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:18; 19:6). They had
of Bible study. These men and women received the Holy special sign miracles to authenticate their ministry.
Spirit by repenting and gladly believing on the name of “Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in
Jesus Christ with water baptism as the outward sign of all patience, in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds” (2
their inward faith. The evidence that followed the Co. 12:12). If miracles could be done indiscriminately
reception of the Holy Spirit was not tongues speaking or by believers in general even in the first century, wherein
a mighty wind or cloven tongues of fire or shaking or was the sign?
falling to the ground. Rather, “They continued stedfastly THE NEW TESTAMENT NEVER INSTRUCTS
in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of BELIEVERS TO SEEK THE HOLY SPIRIT OR TO SEEK TO
bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42). BE BAPTIZED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.
We also see the abiding method of receiving the Holy Pentecostals and Charismatics teach that the baptism
Spirit in the epistles to the churches. Consider Ephesians of the Holy Spirit is an experience in addition to
1:12-14. salvation and that it must be sought by the believer.
“That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first Michael Harper presents four things that are allegedly
trusted in Christ. In whom ye also trusted, after that ye required for the reception of Spirit baptism: faith,
heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: prayer, action, and a sign (tongues). In the early 1980s I
in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed attended a service in Nepal led by a Pentecostal
with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest
of our inheritance until the redemption of the “prophet” from England, and he urged his listeners to
purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” “come forward and be baptized by the Holy Spirit.” The
Here we see that the Holy Spirit is received when the only text that he read to support this doctrine was 1 Co.
sinner hears the gospel and puts his trust in Jesus 12:13, but this verse does not say “come and be
Christ. The believer is thus sealed with the Holy Spirit baptized”; it says “for by one Spirit ARE we all
until his resurrection and glorification. baptized.”
The only mention of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Two passages that are used to support the doctrine
the epistles is in 1 Co. 12:13 and here we see that it is that the baptism of the Holy Spirit must be sought are
something that is a reality for all believers. Luke 11:13 and Luke 24:49. Luke 11:13 cannot be
“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, talking about asking for the baptism of the Holy Spirit,
because not one example is given of such a thing in Acts
whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond
or free; and have been all made to drink into one or the Epistles. Luke 11:13 refers, rather, to asking for
Spirit.” the continual filling of and assistance of the Holy Spirit
That tongues-speaking is not the evidence of being in accordance to the clear instructions of Ep. 5:18 and
baptized with the Holy Spirit is plain in 1 Corinthians other passages.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 121