Page 116 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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described suffering rather than glory, care rather than I am convinced that the doctrine that the Christian
lightheartedness (2 Co. 11:23-28). life is a walk of faith and that faith is based upon the
Other examples of the experience orientation among Word of God rather than experience and the warnings of
the Charismatics are the writings of Dennis Bennett Christ against lusting after miracles refutes the
(“Nine O’Clock in the Morning” and “The Holy Spirit Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
and You”), an Episcopalian priest who was influential in 4. WE REJECT THE PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC
the founding of the Charismatic movement in the early MOVEMENT BECAUSE OF THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT
1960s. These books are literally filled with “charismatic” THE MESSIANIC MIRACLES CAN BE REPRODUCED
style experiences that are offered as evidence of the TODAY.
reality of the “Spirit baptized life.” Another example is Many have taught that Jesus performed miracles as
“Overcome by the Spirit” by the Anglican charismatic an example for Christians to follow. I have heard Larry
Francis MacNutt. This book contains the experiences of Lea say that we need a “red letter” Christianity, referring
people who have been “slain by the Spirit.” to the words of Christ in the Gospels that are printed in
What you won’t find in books like these is a red ink in some New Testaments.
description of the simple and humble walk of faith, but This idea ignores the fact that Jesus healed and
consider the following important Scriptures: performed miracles as a sign that He was the Messiah,
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the the promised Saviour, the Son of God. Jesus’ healing
evidence of things not seen” (He. 11:1). ministry was not an example for us to follow but was
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Co. 5:7). part of His unique credentials as the Christ. Consider
“For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not John 5:36; 10:25, 37-38; 14:11; 15:24; 20:30-31.
hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? These Scriptures leave no doubt as to the purpose of
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with Christ’s miracles. Even the apostles could not do all of
patience wait for it” (Ro. 8:24-25). the amazing things that Jesus did (i.e., quieting storms
Faith or hope is the opposite of something that is and feeding the multitudes), and had they done so the
seen (or felt or even experienced). Faith is waiting sign nature of Christ’s miracles would have been
patiently for something that one does not yet possess. rendered ineffective.
The believer has all spiritual blessings in heavenly What about John 14:12 -- “Verily, verily, I say unto
places (Ep. 1:3), is seated in the heavenlies with Christ you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he
(Col. 3:1), and has an inheritance reserved in heaven (1 do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because
Pe. 1:4), but he does not yet enjoy all of these blessings. I go unto my Father”? This cannot mean that believers
We are waiting for them. We do not have kingdom through the centuries would be able to do greater sign
authority because the kingdom has not yet come. We do miracles than Jesus. That would be impossible. What
not have perfect health because the resurrection body could be greater than turning water into wine, feeding
has not yet been given. We do not live in splendid multitudes, walking on the water, and raising the dead?
wealth because we have not yet been glorified. The Jesus did not say that the disciples would do greater
Christian life is a life of faith and that means we are miracles; He said they would do greater works. Though
patiently waiting for those things that God has promised the word “works” is sometimes used to describe Jesus
even while we live in this present cursed world and in a miracles, it is not limited to that. Whereas Jesus
“body of this death” (Ro. 7:24). ministered only in Palestine and saw only a relatively
Further, the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked the lust after few souls saved under His direct ministry, His disciples
miracles in the strongest of terms. See Matthew have ministered throughout the world and have seen
12:38-39; 16:4; Mark 8:11-12. multitudes of souls saved. Whereas Jesus wrote no
The believer is not to lust after the miraculous; he is books, the apostles completed the canon of Scripture.
to walk humbly by faith, obediently serving while God’s people have enjoyed the power to live holy lives
patiently waiting for the coming of Christ (1 Th. in the face of a godless generation, to withstand the
1:9-10). most searing persecution, and to preach the gospel to
Miracles do not produce faith. Multitudes witnessed the ends of the earth. God’s people have continued to
Christ’s mighty miracles but only a few believed. Faith experience miracles and have done great works, but
comes only by the Word of God. “So then faith cometh by they have not done the Messianic sign miracles.
hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Ro. 10:17). I am convinced that the doctrine that Christ’s
The miracles that the believer needs to support his miracles had a specific temporal purpose refutes the
faith are found in the written Word of God. Consider Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
John 20:29-31.
116 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity