Page 119 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  wanted  to pray for  the  fire of heaven  to come  down   Gentiles  (Acts  10)  into  one  new  spiritual  Body  (Ep.
                  and  incinerate  the   Samaritans)  to  understand  that   2:16).
                  these people with whom they had only  a  very  brittle   What about Acts 19:1-7?
                  relationship, were to enter into the same  Church, have
                  the same  Christ, the  same salvation, the  same God and   The last occasion of speaking in tongues in the book
                  the same  Holy  Spirit. ...  BY DOING THINGS IN THIS   of Acts  is  in chapter 19. Paul found some men who had
                  WAY,  THE  HOLY  SPIRIT  BROUGHT  DOWN  THE    been  baptized  with  “John’s  baptism” but did  not  have
                  BARRIERS  OF  BITTERNESS  AND  DESTROYED  THE   the  Holy  Spirit.  Apparently  he  observed  something
                  SEPARATING  WALL  RIGHT  FROM  THE  START  (Ep.   about them that made him question whether  they were
                  2:14)”  (Fernand  Legrand,  All  about  Speaking  in   true  Christians,  and  after  preaching  Jesus   Christ  to
                  Tongues, pp. 84, 85).                          them, Paul baptized  them and then  laid  his hands  on
                  In Acts 10 the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit  them and  they  received  the Holy  Spirit  and  spoke  in
                  The Gentiles, of course, were hated by the Jews  even   tongues.
               more  than  the  Samaritans.  Thus  God  gave  a  special   It is common in  Pentecostal and Charismatic circles
               demonstration  in  Acts   10  to  the  Jews  that  He  was   to treat this  passage as  a proof text for the doctrine that
               accepting  believing  Gentiles   on  the  same  spiritual   the baptism of the Holy Spirit is  something that occurs
               footing. On this occasion He gave two signs  to the Jews:   after  salvation  and  is  accompanied  by  speaking  in
               Peter’s   triple  vision  and  tongues   speaking.  In  the   tongues.
               account  in  Acts  10  it  is  obvious  that  Peter  was  still   For  the  following  reasons  we  reject  this
               reluctant  to  preach  the  gospel  to  the  Gentiles   even   interpretation:
               though he had seen the sign of tongues on the day of
               Pentecost and had even preached on  that day that God   First, it  is  obvious  that the men  had not  believed the
               was  going to pour  His Spirit upon  all flesh (Acts  2:17)   gospel of Jesus Christ but had only believed in a corrupted
               and that  “whosoever  shall  call  on the name of the  Lord   version  of  John  the  Baptist’s  message.  These  were  not
               shall  be saved” (Acts 2:21). The Lord Jesus  Christ had   saved  men  who had  not  yet  received  the Holy  Spirit.
               commanded the Jewish disciples to  preach the gospel to   These  were  unsaved  men.  Though  they  had  been
               every nation (Acts  1:8) but the chief of them were still   “baptized with John’s baptism,” they didn’t know John’s
               hesitating  in  this  matter  because  of  their  deep-seated   message. We say this for the following reasons: For one
               racism and spiritual pride. The vision that Peter  saw in   thing,  John  preached  salvation  through  Jesus   Christ
               Acts  10:9-16 was  given  to prepare him  to receive  the   (John  1:29),  but  these  men  did  not  understand  this
               Gentiles and to stop looking upon them as  unclean and   salvation, apparently knowing only the ritual of baptism
               outside  of  God’s  love,  and  it  had  its intended  effect.   without  its   significance.  Further,  John  preached  the
               Because  of  this   vision  Peter  was   willing  to  go  to   coming  of  the  Holy  Spirit  (Matthew  3:11),  but  these
               Cornelius  and  to  preach  the  gospel  to  him  and  his   men  did  not  know about  the  Holy  Spirit. The men  in
               Gentile friends.                                  Acts  19 were emigrant Jews who  had heard a semblance
                                                                 of John’s message and had been baptized but had never
                  But it was  the sign of tongues  that fully  broke down   heard  or  believed  the gospel  of Jesus  Christ and  were
               the barrier (Acts 10:44-46). Observe that it was  the sign   not in association with the believers in Ephesus.
               of tongues  that astonished the Jews, showing them as it
               did  that  God  had  definitely  and  unmistakably  saved   Second, observe that the laying on of hands was  by an
               these believing Gentiles  and  bestowed  upon  them  the   apostle (v. 6). This pattern cannot therefore be followed
               Holy Spirit. The tongues on that occasion was  a sign to   today, since there are no apostles. The situation in Acts
               the  Jews,  just  as   Paul  explained  in  1  Corinthians   19 was unique. These men were Jews  and they spoke in
               14:20-22.                                         tongues as  a sign of the truth of Paul’s  message and as
                                                                 another  evidence to  them and  to other  Jews that  God
                  When Peter recounted the experience of Cornelius to   was doing this new thing.
               the Jewish church at Jerusalem he said:             “The  episode  in Ephesus  (Acts 19:1-7),  where twelve
                  “Then remembered I the  word of the  Lord, how that he   men  suddenly  speak  in  tongues,  is  along  the  same
                  said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye  shall  be   lines.  These  Jews  ...  lived  in  communities  or  mini-
                  baptized with the Holy Ghost. Forasmuch then as God   colonies,  guarding   their  Jewish  cultural  identity
                  gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed   jealously  in  the  midst  of  the   pagan  population.
                  on  the  Lord  Jesus Christ;  what  was  I,  that  I  could   However,  the  gospel  had  started  to  penetrate  these
                  withstand God?” (Acts 11:16-17).                 pagan masses and churches were already being formed
                  Thus  Peter  associated  the event  in  Acts  10 directly   among  them.  Faced  with  their  natural  refusal  to
               with  that  in  Acts  2.  In  this  manner  the  Holy  Spirit   believe   that  they  could  become  ONE  with  these
               showed conclusively  that He was offering the gospel to   surrounding  peoples,  the  Holy  Spirit  seized  hold  of
               all  people  and  was  placing  both  Jews  (Acts  2)  and   their  lips  and  made  them  praise,  in  the   pagans’

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