Page 120 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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tongues, the God of Israel who was not becoming, in rejoicing, but he did not speak in tongues and there was
their Jewish eyes, the God of the nations. These twelve no laying on of hands.
men, part of THIS PEOPLE [1 Co. 14:21], needed the The Gentiles in Acts 10. These received the Holy Spirit
sign of tongues in order to be taught about the through hearing and believing the gospel and they
worldwide dimension that their Yahveh was now
giving to His salvation” (Legrand, All about Speaking in spoke with tongues. This is one of only three places in
Tongues, p. 34). the book of Acts that speaking in tongues followed faith
THERE WERE VARIOUS METHODS AND EVIDENCES in Christ. The tongues in this case was not “the initial
OF RECEIVING THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE BOOK OF evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit” but was a
ACTS, BUT ONE METHOD PREDOMINATED. bold and effective sign to the Jews present that God was
To say that we should receive the Holy Spirit like the extending salvation to the Gentiles. This is emphasized
in Acts 10:45-46 and 11:15-18.
Jews in the upper room on Pentecost did in Acts 2 or
like the Samaritans did in Acts 8 or like the Gentiles did The people at Antioch in Acts 11:20-21. The firstfruits
in Acts 10 or like the Ephesians did in Acts 19 is to of the church at Ephesus believed on Jesus Christ but
ignore the fact that these were unique situations that they did not speak in tongues and there is no record
contradicted one another and that were not repeated. that they were later “baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
The Jews in Acts 2:1-4. The Jews waiting in the upper Lydia and her household in Acts 16:13-15. These
room on the day of Pentecost received the Holy Spirit as believed and were baptized but did not speak in tongues
they waited for Jesus’ promise. This was in fulfillment of and there is no record that they were “baptized with the
prophecy. When the Holy Spirit came, the evidence was Holy Spirit” at some later point.
a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and The Philippian Jailer in Acts 16:30-33. The jailer
cloven tongues like as of fire sitting on the head of each believed on Jesus Christ and was baptized but he did
person and tongues speaking. If Pentecostals want to not speak in tongues and there is no record that he later
repeat Pentecost, they should expect an exact was “baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
duplication of all of this evidence, but they focus rather Those who believed in Thessalonica and Berea and
on tongues speaking because this can be worked up and Athens in Acts 17:4, 12, 34. All of these believed in Jesus
manipulated whereas a mighty wind and cloven tongues Christ but none of them spoke in tongues and there is
like as of fire cannot. no record about them being “baptized with the Holy
The Jews in Acts 2:41-42. Those who believed Peter’s Spirit” on a later occasion.
preaching on that same day did not exhibit any of the Crispus and other Corinthians in Acts 18:8. Though
previous signs. There was no mighty wind for them, no these believed and were baptized, they did not speak in
cloven tongues like as of fire, and no tongues speaking. tongues and they did not have a separate “baptism of
They simply received the gospel, were baptized, and the Holy Spirit.”
demonstrated the reality of their salvation by continuing The disciples at Ephesus in Acts 19:4-6. These received
steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship. the Holy Spirit by believing on Christ and being
The Jews in Acts 4:4. These believed the preaching of baptized and by the laying on of Paul’s hands. This was
the gospel, but there is no indication that they spoke in a unique situation that is never repeated in Acts and
tongues or exhibited any type of “Pentecostal” was a sign of Paul’s apostleship to the Gentiles. This is
phenomena and there is no record that they later were the third and final time that those who believed in the
“baptized with the Holy Spirit.” book of Acts spoke in tongues, and in each case Jews
The Jews in Acts 6:7. Again, there is nothing in the were present. In the case at Ephesus, those who spoke
record about these believers speaking in tongues or that were Jews and their tongues were a sign to all of the
they had to be “baptized with the Holy Spirit” on a dispersed Jews that God was extending salvation to the
separate occasion. Gentiles and that Paul’s ministry to the Gentiles was
The Samaritans in Acts 8:14-17. These received the authentic.
Holy Spirit through the laying on of the hands of the Those who believed in Ephesus in Acts 19:17-19. There
apostles from Jerusalem. This demonstrated the is nothing in this record about anyone speaking in
authority of the apostles. There is no record that the tongues or about the necessity of seeking the “baptism
Samaritan believers spoke in tongues when they of the Holy Spirit.”
received the Holy Spirit. Many Pentecostals and Thus we see that there were many ways that the
Charismatics claim that the Samaritans must have Holy Spirit was received during the period covered in
spoken in tongues, but they read this into the Scripture. the book of Acts. He was received with a rushing mighty
The Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:35-39. This man wind and cloven tongues like as of fire and tongues
believed and was baptized and went on his way speaking in Acts 2:1-4. He was received by the laying on
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