Page 115 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  shall take  away his part out of the book of life, and out   Th. 5:20-21 is that all preaching and teaching must be
                  of the  holy city, and from the things which are  written   proven by  Scripture and only that which is  found to be
                  in this book” (Revelation 22:18-19).           in accordance with Scripture is to be received.
                  This  warning applies not only  to the individual book   I am convinced that the doctrine of the sole authority
               of Revelation but to the entire Book of which Revelation   of the Scripture refutes  the Pentecostal and Charismatic
               forms  the  final  chapter. When  the  canon  of  Scripture   movements.
               was  completed with the writing of the final book of the   3.  WE  REJECT  THE  PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC
               New  Testament,  it  was  sealed  with  a  most  solemn   MOVEMENT  BECAUSE  OF  ITS  EMPHASIS  ON  THE
               warning  not  to  add  to   it  nor  subtract  from  it.  The   MIRACULOUS  RATHER  THAN  A  SIMPLE  WALK  OF
               Revelation is finished. Ever since then, those who  have   FAITH.
               claimed  to speak by  prophecy  and  other  extra-biblical
               revelation  have  been  deluded.  This   includes   the   The  Pentecostal  and  Charismatic  movements
               Montanists,  Roman  Catholic  popes  and  councils  and   definitely  emphasize  the  miraculous.  John  Wimber
               “saints,”  the  prophets   of  St.  Medard,  the  Cevennol   believed  the  miraculous   is  necessary  for  effective
               prophets,  the  Irvingites,  the  Shakers,  Seventh-day   evangelism  and  called  it  “doing  the stuff.”  I  could list
               Adventists, Jehovah’s  Witnesses, Christian  Science, and   hundreds   of  books   written  by  Pentecostals  and
               Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  Latter  Day  Saints,  and   Charismatics  that focus on a miraculous  experience and,
               Pentecostal prophets.                             commonly, the more radical and outrageous the better!
                  “To  the  law  and to the testimony:  if  they  speak  not   The Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship has  published
                                                                 many  books   and  countless  articles  emphasizing
                  according to this word, it is because  there is no light in
                  them” (Isaiah 8:20).                           charismatic experiences. One book titled “The Happiest
                  In  Old  Testament times, the Scripture was  the sole   People on Earth” has a testimony  that is  typical. After
               authority for  faith and practice and every teaching was   describing  the  glorious things that  allegedly  occurred
               to  be  compared  to   it  and  every  teaching  that  was   after one couple was “baptized in the Holy  Spirit,” one
               contrary  to it  was  to  be rejected. The Scripture is the   of them said to the effect, “Even if there is no  heaven,
               sole and final test of truth. Anything that is  spoken that   this  is  so good  that  it  wouldn’t  matter.”  That  is some
               is  not in accordance with the Scripture must be rejected   powerful  experiential  Christian  living!  I  picked  up   a
               as  darkness and  those who speak such  things are not   copy of that book in a restaurant in Cody, Wyoming, in
               following the light. This is the infallible test.  the 1980s and at the time my  experience was  the very
                                                                 opposite of that testimony. I was sick, broke, lonely, and
                  “These  were more noble than those  in Thessalonica, in   discouraged!  I  was  tempted  to  find  a  Pentecostal  or
                  that they received the  word with all readiness of mind,   Charismatic  to lay  hands on  me  so that  I,  too,  could
                  and searched the scriptures daily, whether those  things
                  were so” (Acts 17:11).                         have such  a glorious  testimony  at  all  moments  of  my
                  The  same  standard  is  true  in  the  New  Testament   Christian  life, but  when  I  prayed  earnestly  about  the
               dispensation. The Bereans  were called “noble” because   matter and meditated upon the Word of God, I came to
               they tested everything by the Scriptures. This practice is   my senses  and remembered that God promises no such
               exalted  by  the Spirit of  God  as  noble Christianity, and   experience for  the present. Paul described the “normal
               any type of Christianity that tries to  add anything to the   Christian life” in Romans 8:18-23, and it is nothing like
               same level of authority as the Scriptures  and any type of   the testimonies given by Charismatics.
               Christianity  that  draws  back  from  testing  everything   Paul says the present Christian experience is one of
               carefully by the Scripture is ignoble and wrong.  suffering and bondage to  corruption (which refers to  the
                  “Despise  not prophesyings.  Prove all  things; hold fast   indwelling  sin  nature  and  this  body  of  death)  and
                  that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).   waiting  for  the  glory  that  is  to  come  when  we  will
                  Here  the  Spirit  of  God  gives   two  interconnected   finally  experience the resurrection and  the kingdom of
               commandments. Prophesying is not to be despised but   Christ.
               all  things  are to  be  tested.  This is what  we  see  in  1   Paul described his  own Christian experience in many
               Corinthians  14:29: “Let the prophets speak two or three,   places in  his  epistles, and  it, too, was  nothing like the
               and  let  the  other  judge.”  In  the  apostolic  churches   experiences described by  Charismatics. In 2  Co. 1:5 he
               prophesying  involved  both  preaching  and  revelation,   testified  that “the sufferings  of Christ abound in us.” He
               but the revelation aspect ceased with the completion of   told  the Corinthians, “We would not, brethren, have you
               the  canon  of  Scripture.  Paul  defined  prophesying  as   ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we
               speaking  to  men  “to  edification,  and  exhortation,  and   were  pressed  out  of  measure, above  strength,  insomuch
               comfort” (1 Co. 14:3), which is a ministry that continues   that  we  despaired  even  of  life”  (2  Co.  1:8).  When  he
               in the churches  throughout the age. The chief point of 1   listed  his   experiences   to  prove  his   apostleship  Paul

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