Page 114 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               California, God spoke to  him and instructed him not to   correction, and for instruction in righteousness. Nothing
               judge the Roman  Catholic Church. He says he heard  a   other than the Bible is needed for these things. We don’t
               message from God saying, “Why would I not be happy   need  a personal revelation  or  a personal  prophecy  for
               with a place where every morning the testimony  of the   doctrine or a “word of knowledge” for correction.
               blood  of  my  Son  is  raised  from  the  altar?”  (“The   “For  we have not followed  cunningly  devised fables,
               Pentecostal  Gold  Standard,”  Christianity  Today,  July   when we  made known unto you the power and coming
               2005)  Based  upon  this  “personal revelation,”  Hayford   of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his
               adopted a neutral approach to Catholicism, yet upon the   majesty. For  he received  from  God  the  Father honour
               authority  of  the  Bible  I  know  that  the  message  that   and glory, when there  came such a voice to him from
               Hayford  heard  was  demonic. The  atonement  of  Jesus   the excellent glory,  This is my beloved Son, in whom I
               Christ  is  NOT  glorified  on  Roman  Catholic altars. The   am  well  pleased.  And  this  voice  which  came  from
               Mass  is  an open denial of the doctrine of the once-for-all   heaven we heard, when we  were  with him in the holy
                                                                   mount.  We have also a more  sure  word of prophecy;
               atonement  that we find  in  the book of  Hebrews. Note   whereunto ye do well that ye  take  heed, as unto a light
               what the Vatican II Council said about the Mass: “For  in   that shineth in a dark place, until  the  day dawn,  and
               it  Christ  perpetuates   in  an  unbloody  manner  the   the day star  arise  in your  hearts:  Knowing this first,
               sacrifice offered  on  the  cross,  offering  himself  to  the   that  no  prophecy  of  the  scripture  is  of  any  private
               Father  for the world’s salvation through the ministry of   interpretation.  For the prophecy came not in old time
               priests”  (The  Constitution  on  the  Sacred  Liturgy,   by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they
               “Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery,”   were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:16-21).
               Intro.,  C  1,  2,  p.  108).  This  is  only  a  small  part  of   Here  Peter  exalts  the  Scripture  over  mystical
               Rome’s wicked  heresies,  and  it  is impossible that  God   (experiential)  visions  and  voices.  Peter  was   an
               would encourage Jack Hayford to look upon the Roman   eyewitness   of  Christ’s   glorification  on  the  Mount  of
               Catholic Church in any  sort of positive, non-judgmental   Transfiguration and heard the actual voice of God from
               manner. If Hayford based his  theology about the Roman   heaven  and  saw  Moses  and  Elijah,  but  he  says   the
               Catholic Church strictly upon the Bible, he would never   Scripture  is  “a more  sure  word  of prophecy.” A greater
               fall for such delusion.                           exaltation of the Bible as  the sole authority for faith and
                  Thus,  regardless  of  what  the  Pentecostal  and   practice could not be made. The Scripture is  “more sure”
               Charismatic   say  about  holding  the  Bible  as  the  sole   than  visions  and  voices   because  these  can  be
               authority  for  faith  and  practice,  this  claim  is  almost   demonically  imitated  and  fallibly  interpreted.  Many
               always found to  be untrue when it is examined carefully.   Pentecostals,  such  as  William  Braham  and  David
               It is a case of “what  you are doing speaks louder than   DuPlessis, have heard  voices that  led  them away  from
               what you are saying.”                             biblical truth, causing  them  to do such  things  as  deny
                  Observe the following Scriptures carefully:    the  Trinity  and  to  accept  “latter  rain”  heresies  and
                                                                 “second  baptisms”  and  ecumenism  and  many  other
                  “All  scripture is  given  by  inspiration  of  God,  and  is   errors.
                  profitable for  doctrine,  for  reproof,  for  correction,  for
                  instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may   “Beloved, when I gave  all  diligence to write unto you
                  be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” (2   of  the  common  salvation,  it  was  needful  for  me  to
                  Timothy 3:16-17).                                write  unto  you,  and  exhort  you  that  ye  should
                  It  is  the  Scripture  (rather  than  tradition  or   earnestly  contend  for  the  faith  which  was  once
                                                                   delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).
               experience  or  personal  revelation  or  a  prophecy  or  a
               “word of knowledge” or a voice or  a vision or  an out of   Here we see that the New Testament faith was  “once
               body experience) that is given by divine inspiration and   delivered  unto   the  saints.”  This   means  that  it  was
               the Scripture is  able to  make the man  of God perfect,   completed during the days  of the apostles. It is not still
               throughly  furnished  unto  all  good  works.  Notice  the   being  delivered.  The Lord  Jesus  promised  to  lead  the
               exceedingly  strong  emphasis   here  on  the  Scripture’s   disciples  into all truth. “Howbeit  when  he, the  Spirit  of
               sufficiency.  Observe  the  words  that  are  used:  “able,”   truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall
               “perfect,” “throughly  furnished,” “all good works.” Thus   not speak of himself; but  whatsoever he shall  hear, that
               it is  obvious that God’s people need nothing beyond the   shall  he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (Jn.
               Scripture. The Pentecostals and Charismatics admit that   16:13).  This was fulfilled  in  the  writing  of  the  New
               their  prophecies  and  dreams   and  visions   and   Testament and the completion of the canon of Scripture.
               experiences  are  not  “scripture,”  and  in  light  of  2   “For I testify unto every man that heareth the  words of
               Timothy  3:1617 it is  obvious  that they  are not needed.   the prophecy of this book,  If any man shall add unto
               The canon of Scripture was  completed 2,000 years ago,   these things, God shall  add unto him the plagues  that
                                                                   are written in this book:  And  if  any  man  shall  take
               and  it  is  sufficient  for  doctrine,  for  reproof,  for   away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God

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