Page 109 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  MANIFEST SONS OF GOD                           O'Clock in the Morning and The Holy Spirit and You. The
                  Many  well-known  Pentecostal  leaders  have  been   movement  spread  quickly  among  Episcopalians,
               proponents  of  the  most  extreme  views  of  latter  rain.   Lutherans,  Presbyterians,  Methodists,  and  other
               One of these, called Manifest Sons of God, claims  that a   Protestant denominations. It was promoted by  the Full
               select  group  of  Christians   will  be  perfected  and   Gospel  Business  Men’s  Fellowship International  led  by
               immortalized  during the latter  rain miracle revival and   Demos Shakarian (1913-93).
               this  band  of perfected saints, led  by end-time apostles,   The  Charismatic  movement  penetrated  Roman
               will  go  throughout  the  world  performing  miracles.   Catholicism in  the latter  half of  the 1960s. In  January
               Manifest Sons of  God theology  claims that this miracle   1967  students  at  the  Roman  Catholic  Duquesne
               revival will result in most of the world being saved and   University  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania,  began  having
               will usher in the Lord’s return.                  Pentecostal-type  experiences,  speaking  in  “tongues,”
                  This  doctrine was  taught by  John  Robert Stevens, a   falling,  weeping,  prophesying.  By  1974,  30,000
               disciple of William Branham. Stevens  was the “apostle”   attended the annual charismatic  Catholic conference at
               of  the  Church  of  the  Living  Word  in  Redondo Beach,   Notre Dame. The next year 10,000  charismatic Catholics
               California.  Though  discredited  by  many  scandals,  the   traveled to  Rome to  hear Pope Paul VI welcome them to
               Manifest  Sons  of  God  theology  has  been  revived  by   the  Vatican.  It  is   important  to  understand  that  the
               various  Pentecostal “prophets,” including Paul Cain who   charismatic experience does  not  draw  Catholics to the
               has  been  aligned  with  John  Wimber  and  the Vineyard   truth, but confirms their Catholic doctrine. After  Roman
               movement  in  recent years  and  with Todd  Bentley  and   Catholics associated  with  Notre Dame University began
               the “Lakeland Outpour” of 2008.                   exhibiting  charismatic  phenomena  in  1967,  a
                  The strange Manifest Sons  of God  theology  is  based   Pentecostal ex-missionary  asked  them,  “Now  that  you
               on  a faulty  interpretation  of  Romans  8:19-23, among   have received the Holy Spirit when are you thinking of
               other passages. It is  a result of dispensational confusion.   leaving  the  Roman  Catholic Church?”  The  astonished
               In reality, Romans 8:19-23 encourages the child of God   Roman  Catholic  charismatics  replied,  “But  we  have
               to  be  patient  with  the  troubles  and  imperfection  he   absolutely  no intention of leaving the Church” (Fernand
               experiences in  this  present  world,  knowing  that  when   Legrand, All about Speaking in Tongues, p. 4).
               Christ  returns  we  will  experience  that  which  we  long   The Charismatic leaders and organizations  promote a
               for: resurrection bodies, immortality, sinless perfection,   number  of newer  teachings. Chief among these are the
               the  glory  of  God,  the  transformation  of  the  earth.   positive  confession  doctrines,  which  claim  that  the
               Manifest  Sons  of  God  proponents  do not  believe  this   believer  can  have  healing  and  prosperity  through
               refers   to   something  which  will  occur  after  Christ’s   channeling his faith (of which we will say  more in  the
               return, but before.                               next paragraph). Typically  they chase all sorts of other
                  Though  most of the current  Pentecostal-Charismatic   unscriptural  doctrines   and  practices.  The  “laughing
               revivalists would reject certain aspects of Manifest Sons   revival,”  which  began  under  the  ministries  of  Rodney
               of God theology, such as immortalization, they also hold   Howard-Browne  and  John  Arnott  and  swept  through
               to some  aspects.  They  believe,  for  example,  that  the   countless  charismatic churches, is an  example. Having
               coming of Christ will be preceded by miracles  which will   loosed  themselves from  principle that  the Bible is the
               be greater  even than those of apostolic times, and they   final  and  sole  authority  for  faith  and  practice,  having
               believe that current Pentecostal revivals such as  those in   accepted  the possibility  of new  revelation, and  having
               Toronto  and  Pensacola  are  a  harbinger  of  those   put  an  undue  emphasis  upon  signs and  wonders  and
               miracles.                                         experiences, they  are adrift upon  the uncertain  sea of
                  THE CHARISMATIC MOVEMENT                       confusion and apostasy.
                                                                   THE  POSITIVE  CONFESSION/WORD -FAITH
                  In the 1960s Pentecostalism became ecumenical and   MOVEMENT
               moved into the mainstream denominations. This  began
               with  the outbreak of  “tongues speaking”  at  St. Mark’s   The Word-Faith  movement  is  a very  influential part
               Episcopal Church  in  Van  Nuys, California.  The  priest,   of  the  Pentecostal-Charismatic  movement  today.  It  is
               Dennis Bennett (1917-1991), supported  the move and   also   known  as   “Positive  Confession”  or  simply  the
               became  a  leader  in  promoting  it  in  many  other   “Faith”  movement.  It  has   no  organizational  or
               churches. Bennett was forced to  resign from St. Mark’s   denominational  structure  or  hierarchy  but  it  is
               and subsequently  moved to  St. Luke’s  Episcopal Church   promoted  by  many  prominent Pentecostal leaders who
               in  Seattle,  Washington.  Bennett  has   had  a  wide   have  large  and  prosperous ministries. The  Word-Faith
               influence  through  his   frequent  travels   and  speaking   movement  is  powered  by  massive  amounts of  money
               engagements and his  best-selling books, including Nine   that its  teachers  raise through  their  promise of healing
                                                                 and  prosperity  and  power.  It  is  represented  by  the

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