Page 108 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               end of the church age speak of false miracles, not true   From  the  beginning,  the  AOG  ordained  women
               ones.  See  Matthew  24:24;  2  Thessalonians  2:9;   preachers.
               Revelation 13:13.                                   Another of the influential Pentecostal denominations
                  To  develop the  Latter  Rain  doctrine,  Myland  used   that arose from the Apostolic Faith and the Azusa Street
               fanciful allegorical interpretations of the Old Testament   movements  was   the  International  Church  of  the
               passages mentioned  above. He  wrote:  “The  corn  is  a   Foursquare  Gospel.  This  was  established  in  1923  by
               type of  the divine manifestation in  the life of  Jesus …   Pentecostal evangelist-pastor  Aimee Semple McPherson
               The Holy  Spirit is the wine … the oil is the type of the   (1890-1944),  whom  the  Dictionary  of  Pentecostal  and
               Father, the manifestation of God in beauty, in dignity, in   Charismatic  Movements  calls  “the  most  prominent
               glory and power…” (The Later Rain Covenant, p. 22).  woman leader Pentecostalism has  produced to  date” (p.
                  Myland’s book is  filled with this  type of allegorizing   570). McPherson was very  influential in the promotion
               whereby  he applies  things that belong to Israel directly   of the latter rain theology. The “foursquare” gospel she
               to the New Testament churches. In reality, the latter rain   promoted  was  Jesus  Christ as Saviour, Baptizer  in  the
               miracle  revival  doctrine  has  no  basis  in  the Word  of   Holy  Spirit,  Healer,  and  Coming  King.  “She  also did
               God.                                              much  to   popularize  a  restorationist  view  of  church
                  In the section on the errors of Pentecostalism we deal   history  with  her  vision  the  ‘Dispensation  of  the  Holy
               with Acts 2:16-20.                                Ghost’  repeatedly  shared  in  her  very  popular  sermon
                  PENTECOSTAL DENOMINATIONS                      ‘Lost and Restored’” (Ibid., p. 571). One of McPherson’s
                                                                 music compositions was titled “Former and Latter Rain.”
                  Every  Pentecostal denomination  can trace its  history   McPherson  claimed  that  physical healing  is  part  of
               to the latter rain frenzy  of the early  part of the century.   the  gospel and  boasted  of  the  healings  that  allegedly
               The Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements   took place during her meetings, but the fact is  that most
               has  this  comment  about  the  aftermath  of  the  Azusa   that came for  healing were not helped. To go  through
               Street “revival” —                                McPherson’s healing line required obtaining a card and
                  “Sometimes  existing  denominations  were  split,  while   these  were  normally  limited  to  75  people.  Arno
                  others  were  totally  transformed  into  Pentecostal   Gaebelein  examined  McPherson’s  healing  claims  and
                  vehicles.  Among  these   were   the   Church  of  God  in   published  his   report  in  the  1925  book  The  Healing
                  Christ, the Church of God (Cleveland,  Tenn.),  and the
                  Pentecostal Holiness Church.  … But new  groups were   Question. He did not find any genuine healings.
                  formed as well.  The Apostolic  Faith (Portland, Oreg.),   THE  NEW  ORDER  OF  THE  LATTER  RAIN/  THE
                  the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (Los Angeles),   SHARON MOVEMENT
                  and  in  1914  the  Assemblies  of  God,  fell  into  this   In  1948  teachers  associated  with  the  Sharon
                  category.  Indeed,  nearly  every  Pentecostal   Orphanage  and  Schools  in  North  Battleford,
                  denomination in the  U.S. traces its roots in some  way   Saskatchewan, began  experiencing “spirit  slaying” and
                  or  other  to the Apostolic  Faith Mission  at 312 Azusa
                  Street” (“Azusa  Street,” Dictionary  of  Pentecostal  and   “tongues” and other  “miracles.” A female student at the
                  Charismatic Movements, p. 35).                 school  prophesied  that  a  great  worldwide revival  was
                  Though  varying  in  doctrinal  beliefs,  all  of  the   about  to begin.  The  movement  that  arose from  these
               Pentecostal  denominations  originally  believed   experiences  focused  on  the  latter  rain  restoration  of
               themselves  to be part of an end times  latter rain revival   apostolic miracles. They expected end-time apostles and
               movement.                                         prophets  to arise to lead  the latter  rain. There was an
                  The  Assemblies  of  God  (AOG)  is   the  largest   emphasis  upon  the  imparting  of  the  Holy  Spirit  and
                                                                 spiritual gifts  by the laying on of hands  and a focus  on
               Pentecostal denomination. It was formed in 1914, a few   “personal  directive  prophecy,”  which  became  an
               years  after the Azusa Street meetings  had ended. One of   instrument  of  control  in  the  hands   of  some.  The
               the  early  general  superintendents  of  the  AOG,  E.S.   “revival”  influence  spread  rapidly  during  and  after  a
               Williams,  was  baptized  at  Seymour’s  Azusa  Street   Camp Meeting in July 1948, which thousands  of people
               mission.  Several  of  the  early  AOG  leaders  were  also   attended from Canada the United States.
               from  John  Dowie’s  Zion  City.  The  AOG’s   major
               denominational  distinctives  are  as   follows:  (1)  The   The  Sharon  movement  was   disciplined  by  the
               baptism of the Holy Spirit is  an experience to be sought   Assemblies of God, not for the latter rain doctrine itself,
               subsequent  to  the  new  birth.  (2)  The  baptism  of  the   but  for  excesses  and  abuses. In  particular,  many  AOG
               Holy  Spirit  is  evidenced  by  tongues’  speaking.  (3)  A   leaders disagreed with the teaching that apostles would
               Christian  can lose his salvation. (4) Physical healing is   arise  and  they  disliked  the  use  of  “personal
               promised to the Christian because of Christ’s  atonement.   prophecies” (a form of soothsaying) and the practice of
                                                                 bestowing spiritual gifts by the laying on of hands.

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