Page 105 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               which gave  birth  to Magna  Charta”  (Kenyon, p. 190).   imbibed  of  the  worldly,  ecumenical  spirit  of  the
               [See Bible, Verses.]                              Charismatic movement.
                  CHARGE. (1) To  put to one’s account (Ps. 35:11; Ac.   THE  HISTORY OF THE PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC
               7:60). (2) A command; a solemn mandate; to deliver to   MOVEMENT
               one’s trust (Nu. 5:19; 1 Ti. 5:16). (3) To  be a burden (2   Pentecostalism  was   one  of  the  many  unscriptural
               Co. 11:9).                                        doctrines   which  arose  from  the  end-times   frenzy
                  CHARGEABLE.  Burdensome  (2  Sa.  13:25;  2  Co.   permeating the United States  after the Civil War during
               11:9).                                            the  last  half  of  the  19th  century.  The  roots  of  the
                  CHARGER. A dish or platter (Nu. 7:13-85).      Pentecostal latter  rain doctrine reach into the holiness
                  CHARASHIM (craftsmen). 1 Ch. 4:14.             movement  which swept  the country. Influential leaders
                  CHARIOT.  A  horse-drawn  carriage  used  for   such  as  Charles  Finney,  William  Booth,  and  Phoebe
                                                                 Palmer  promoted  various  forms  of  the  doctrine  of
               transportation  and  war  (Ge.  41:43;  Ex.  14:6).  Other   “complete  sanctification,”  claiming  that  the  dedicated
               animals   were  also  used  to  draw  chariots.  Is.  21:7   believer  can  experience  a  condition  of  perfection  of
               mentions  asses   and  camels.  Some  chariots  were  for   some sort in this  life. A similar doctrine had been taught
               single occupants  and others  were for multiple riders  (2   in the Methodist denomination  from its inception. The
               Ch. 18:33; Ac. 8:28-31). Elijah went up to heaven  in  a   doctrine of entire holiness usually involved a belief that
               chariot of fire (2 Ki. 2:11). [See Military.]     the  individual  could  experience  a  “second  work  of
                  CHARISMATIC,  CHARISMATIC  MOVEMENT.  The      grace”  or  a  “second  blessing”  whereby  the  sin  nature
               Pentecostal-Charismatic movement is  distinguished from   was  either  eradicated  or  conquered,  thus placing  the
               other  Christian  movements   by  its   belief  in  the   entirely  sanctified Christian above the normal struggles
               continuation  of  the  apostolic  sign  gifts.  The  term   with sin.
               “Pentecostal” dates to the early part of the 20th century   By  the  late  19th  century  the  stage  was  set  for
               and  refers  to  a  desire  to  recapture  the  miraculous   Pentecostalism  to  be  birthed.  The  holiness  movement
               experience  of  Pentecost.  Many  denominations   have   had  produced  a  frenzy  of  spiritual  excitement  and  a
               grown  out of the Pentecostal movement, including  the   lusting after  “second blessings” and “second baptisms.”
               Assemblies  of  God,  International  Church  of  the   To   the  holiness   “second  work  of  grace,”  the  early
               Foursquare Gospel, Church of God in Christ, Church of   Pentecostal leaders added yet another  crisis  experience
               God (Cleveland, Tennessee), Pentecostal Church of God,   labeled  “the baptism of the Holy  Spirit  with the initial
               United  Pentecostal  Church,  and  Church  of  God  of   evidence  of  tongues.”  Men  such  as  John  Dowie  and
               Prophecy.  The  “Charismatic”  movement  is  of  more   Frank  Sandford  had  also  set  the  stage  with  their
               recent  origin  and  refers   to  the  ecumenical  tongues-  emphasis  on divine healing, the expectation of an  end-
               speaking  phenomenon  that  has  spread  through  non-  times   miracle  revival,  and  the  reestablishment  of
               Pentecostal  Baptist  and  Protestant  denominations   as   apostolic sign gifts, including tongues speaking.
               well as the Roman Catholic Church since the 1960s.
                                                                   By  any  reckoning Charles Parham (1873-1929)  is a
                  While  there  used  to  be  significant  differences   key  figure  in the birth  of  Pentecostalism.  In  a  restless
               between  old-line  Pentecostalism  and  the  Charismatic   search  of  religious  instruction  he  sat  under  the
               movement,  the  differences   are  rapidly  blurring.  The   ministries  of  a  number  of  strange  holiness  teachers,
               terms  are  often  used  synonymously  today.  Even  the   picking  up  various heresies  along  the  way,  which  he
               Dictionary  of  Pentecostal  and  Charismatic  Movements   merged together  into his Pentecostal theology. Prior  to
               notes this. “The terms  Pentecostal and  charismatic are   the turn of  the century, Parham observed  the meetings
               often used interchangeably. Indeed, they do  have many   of  Benjamin  Irwin,  founder  of  the  Fire-Baptized
               features   in  common,  and  even  for  the  expert  it  is   Holiness  Church.  Irwin  believed  there  were  three
               frequently  difficult  to draw  a dividing  line. ... [by  the   “blessing” experiences—the blessing of  conversion,  the
               1990s]  many  Pentecostals  recognized  that  the  Holy   blessing of entire sanctification, and the blessing of fire
               Spirit  was  accomplishing  a  new  work  and  sensed  an   baptism.  Irwin  taught  that  it  was   necessary  for  the
               affinity  with  it.  The  charismatic  renewal  brought   Christian  to  seek  the  baptism  of  fire  for  power  and
               pressure  on  the  Pentecostals   to  broaden  their   perfection.  His   meetings  were  characterized  by
               identification  within  the  universal  church  to  groups   emotional  phenomena  such  as   shouts,  screams,
               previously  considered  apostate”  (International   “tongues,”  trances,  holy  dances,  holy  laughs,  and  the
               Dictionary  of  Pentecostal  and  Charismatic  Movements,   jerks  (Vincent Synan, The Holiness-Pentecostal  Tradition,
               revised  and  expanded,  2002,  pp.  xxi,  xxii).  Though   p. 52). Parham was  deeply  influenced  by  Irwin’s  “third
               there are some notable exceptions, the mainstream, old-  blessing”  doctrine.  Pentecostal historian  Vinson  Synan
               line  Pentecostal  denominations  have  by  and  large
                                                                 admits this connection:

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