Page 101 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               consumed to hydrate the animal, the hump  shrinks  and   CANON  (a  straight  rod  or  rule).  Canon  refers  to
               loses  solidity  until  it  falls  over.  It  will  return  to  its   testing something  by  a set  rule.  First  used  in  the 4th
               original shape after the animal drinks  its  fill and has  a   century  A.D.,  today  it  is  the  term  commonly  used  to
               rest. The baby camel doesn’t have a hump until it starts   describe the books  of  the Bible which  are regarded  as
               eating solid  food. A camel can  drink 25-40  gallons  of   the pure Word  of  God. This  term  is  used because  the
               water  in  about  15 minutes.  This  shows  how  diligent   books  of  the  Bible  were  tested,  or  measured,  before
               young Rebecca was (Ge. 24:19-20).                 being  accepted  as God’s Word  and  because  the books
                  CAMON (standing place). Ju. 10:5.              are themselves the  rule  by  which  truth  is tested. The
                  CAMP.  (1)  An  encampment  or  stopping  place  for   Lord  Jesus Christ promised  that the Holy  Spirit  would
               travelers   (Ex.  14:19).  (2)  Apostate  religion  (He.   guide the Christians “into all truth” (Jn. 16:7-15). The
               13:13-14).                                        epistle of 1 John also  promises that the Holy Spirit will
                  CAMPHIRE.  A  thorny  shrub  with  fragrant  white   guide the believers  in the truth. It is  the Holy Spirit who
                                                                 taught  the  sincere  Christians   to   accept  the  New
               flowers (S.S. 1:14; 4:13).                        Testament  Scripture and  to  reject  everything that  was
                  CANA.  The  location  of  Christ’s   first  miracle.   erroneous. Our confidence in this matter is  not in men,
               Mentioned  only  three  times  in  the  Bible  (Jn.  2:1,11;   but in God who has given us these promises.
               4:46; 21:2). [See Jesus Christ, Wine.]              O.T. CANON. “The collecting  and recognition  of  the
                  CANAAN (subjected). The land  God  gave to  Israel.   books of the O.T. took considerable time. Some believe
               “Canaan” was a son of Ham (Ge. 10:6-19; 1 Ch. 1:8-16;   the process  was finished by the time of Ezra, in the 5th
               Nu. 13:29;  Jos.  11:3).  Canaan  was  the  father  of  the   century B.C. References by Josephus  (A.D. 95) and in 2
               Philistines, the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites,   Esdras  14  (A.D.  100)  indicate  that  the  Hebrew
               and the Hivites  (1 Ch. 1:8-16; De. 20:16-18). The exact   Scriptures  then  contained  the  same  39  books  as  our
               nature  of  Ham’s offense  is  not  known,  but  all of  the   O.T. ... Most significant, however, is the statement of the
               nations which descended from him were idolatrous and   Lord  (Lk.  11:51)  ...  when  He  accused  the  scribes of
               immoral  (Le.  20:10-23).  “The  nations   which  God   being  guilty  of  slaying  all  the  prophets  God  had  sent
               destroyed  before  Israel were descended  from  Canaan;   Israel from the time of Abel to the  time of  Zacharias.
               and  so  were  the  Phoenicians  and  the  Carthaginians,   Abel’s death  is recorded in Genesis; Zacharias’ in 2 Ch.
               who  were  at  length  subjugated  with  dreadful   24:20-21, which is the last book in the Hebrew Bible. ...
               destruction  by  the  Greeks  and  Romans.  The  Africans   Jesus was saying that the Jews’ guilt was  recorded from
               who have been bought  and sold like beasts, were also   the beginning to  the end of the Hebrew  Scriptures. He
               his  posterity”  (Treasury).  [See  Ham,  Israel,  Japheth,   excluded  all  of  the  Apocrypha,  all  of  which  was   in
               Noah, Shem.]                                      existence at that time” (Ryrie).
                  CANDLESTICK.  The  seven-lamp  candlestick  was   N.T. CANON. There is  no exact record in early church
               located in the Tabernacle built by Moses  (Ex. 25:31-40;   history  regarding  how  the N.T.  canon  was formed.  As
               He. 9:2). The lamps  were to be kept  burning day  and   we have noted, the Lord Jesus Christ had promised that
               night (Le. 24:3-4). The candlestick pictures  Jesus  Christ   the Holy Spirit would guide into all truth, and we know
               as  the Light of the world (Jn. 8:12; 12:35-36). He gives   that is  exactly what He did—though we do not know all
               light to every man (Jn. 1:4-9), and illumines  the things   of the details  of how this  transpired. True believers had
               of  God  to those who  are born  again  (1  Co. 2:14-16).   the  witness  of  the  Spirit  to  guide  them  in  knowing
               The  candlestick  also  depicts   the  Holy  Spirit  who  is   which books  were Holy Scripture and which  were not.
               representing  the  Lord  Jesus  in  the  world  today  and   Gradually  all of  the 27  N.T. books  were collected and
               giving  spiritual  enlightenment  to men  (Jn. 16:7-15;  1   recognized by God’s saints.
               Co. 2:10-12; 1 Jn. 2:20-27). [See Conscience, Creation,   In  A.D.  367  Athanasius, a well-known  defender  of
               Holy Spirit, Inspiration.]                        the  faith,  published  a list  of  Old  and  New  Testament
                  CANKER.  A  cancerous,  growing  sore (2  Ti.  2:17).   books which he said were “handed down and believed
               The  Lord  warns that  false  teaching,  unless  rooted  out   to be  divine.”  This  list  contained  all of  the  27  books
               and avoided, will spread  like a cancer. Error  cannot be   which  are  in  our  N.T.  today.  By  the  4th  century,  the
               ignored;  it  must  be  dealt  with  biblically  and   canon of Scripture was  settled  and the inspiration and
               aggressively. [See Doctrine, False Teaching, Separation,   was  not seriously doubted until the modern era. Though
               Timothy.]                                         there are indications  that  a few  of  the leaders  of  the
                  CANKERWORM. A worm which devours  vegetation.   Protestant  Reformation  might  have  expressed  private
               God  used  them  to  judge  Israel (Joe.  1:4;  2:25;  Nah.   reservations  as to the authority  of  certain  of  the  N.T.
               3:15-16).                                         epistles,  all  of  the  Reformation  confessions  of  faith
                  CANNEH (set up, distinguished). Eze. 27:23.    upheld  the 66 books  of  the  Bible  as  divine  Scripture.

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