Page 97 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               Brethren  believe  in  preachers, they  do  not  believe  in   BRUISE.  The  expressions  “bruise  thy  head”  and
               strong pastoral leadership. The assemblies are ruled by   “bruise his  heal” in Ge. 3:15 form a Messianic prophecy.
               a plurality of elders. They reject any form of clergy/laity   In this verse God is  addressing the serpent after man’s
               divisions,  and  refuse  the  title  “Reverend.”  Brethren   fall. The seed of the woman will bruise the heel of the
               preachers normally  receive no regular salary. (3) Many   serpent’s  seed, and the serpent will bruise the head of
               of the Plymouth Brethren have been opposed to the use   the  woman’s  seed.  It  is  a  strange  expression, because
               of  musical  instruments,  which  they  traced  to  the   ordinarily the man is said to  have seed, not the woman.
               influence of Cain’s descendants.                  In  this  case  it  is   the  woman’s  seed  because  it  is   a
                  Two  Brethren  publishers in the U.S. are Loizeaux in   prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus  Christ. The seed of
               Neptune,  New  Jersey,  publisher  of  Harry  Ironside’s   the serpent will bruise Christ’s  heel on the cross, but the
               many  popular  books   and  Bible  Truth  Publishers   in   Seed of the woman will bruise the head of the serpent
               Addison, Illinois.                                on that same cross (He. 2:14). [See Jesus Christ, Satan.]
                  While  the  Plymouth  Brethren  have been  strong  in   BRUISED REED. [See Reed.]
               Bible teaching, pure Christian living, and evangelism in   BRUIT. Report (Je. 10:22; Na. 3:19).
               days gone by, that is  changing  rapidly, as it  is  in most   BRUTE. Like an animal; irrational; without reason (2
               Christian  groups.  Sadly,  there  is   a  general  tendency   Pe. 2:12; Jude 10). The Greek word, alogos, is  translated
               toward  spiritual  lethargy  and  evangelistic  coolness   “unreasonable” in Ac. 25:27.
               today.  [See  Allegorical,  Church, Pastor,  Lord’s  Supper,   BRUTISH.  Like  a  brute  beast;  ignorant;  foolish;
               Prophecy, Rapture.]                               wicked; hurtful (Ps. 49:10; 92:6; 94:8;  Pr. 12:1; 30:2;
                  BRIBE. “A  price, reward,  gift  or  favor  bestowed  or   Is.  19:11;  Je.  10:8,  14,  21;  51:17;  Eze.  21:31).  The
               promised  with  a  view  to  pervert  the  judgment,  or   same Hebrew word, baar, is translated  “eaten  up” (Is.
               corrupt the conduct of a judge, witness or other person.   3:14), “wasted” (Nu. 24:22), and “burnt” (Is. 24:6). It
               A bribe is a consideration given or promised to a person,   particularly speaks of the destructiveness of the wicked.
               to  induce  him  to  decide  a  cause,  give  testimony,  or   BUCKLER.  A  small  shield  used  by  archers  and
               perform  some  act  contrary  to  what  he  knows  to  be   swordsmen (1 Ch. 5:18). [See Shield.]
               truth,  justice  or  rectitude”  (Webster).  The  Bible
               condemns giving  and  taking  of  bribes:  Ex.  23:8;  De.   BUFFET. To strike with  the fist;  to beat;  to punish
               16:19; Ps. 26:10; Pr. 17:23; 29:4; Is. 1:23; 33:15; Am.   (Mt. 26:67;  Mk.  14:26;  1  Co.  4:11;  2  Co. 12:7;  1  Pe.
               5:12.  Samuel  testified  that  he  refused  bribes  (1  Sa.   2:20).
               12:3), but  his sons  took bribes  (1  Sa. 8:3).  Hezekiah   BUILDED. Built (Ge. 4:17).
               took a gift from the king of Babylon (2 Ki. 20:12). [See   BUKKI (mouth of Jehovah). 1 Ch. 6:5.
               Government.]                                        BUL  (changing).  The  8th  month  of  the  Hebrew
                  BRIGANDINES. Protective armor worn on the person   calendar (1 Ki. 6:38), corresponding to  parts of October
               (Je. 46:4; 51:3). [See Military.]                 and November. The seed time (Potts). [See Calendar.]
                  BRIGHTNESS OF HIS GLORY. [See Express Image.]    BULLOCK. A young bull (1  Ch. 29:21; Je. 31:18; 1
                  BRIM. The brink of a river or the edge of a container   Co. 9:9). The bullock was used  in  some O.T. offerings
               of water (Jos. 3:15; 1 Ki. 7:23; Jn. 2:7).        and in such pictures  Christ as the willing Servant of the
                  BRIMSTONE. Burning sulphur. Brimstone is  used to   Father (He. 10:7). [See Jesus Christ, Offerings.]
               describe the place of eternal punishment for  Satan and   BULRUSH. A plant that grows in swamps and which
               unsaved  men (Re. 14:10; 19:20; 20:10-15; 21:8). [See   can be twisted into ropes (Ex. 2:3; Job 41:2; Is. 9:14).
               Gehenna, Hell.]                                     BULWARK. A mound used by  those besieging a city
                  BRINK. Edge (Jos. 3:8).                        (De. 20:20); a rampart (Is. 26:1) (Analytical).
                  BROIDED. Braided (1 Ti. 2:9).                    BUNAH (understanding). 1 Ch. 2:25.
                  BROIDERED. Embroidered (Eze. 16:10, 13).         BUNNI (my understanding). Ne. 9:4.
                  BROUGHT  ON  THE  WAY. The phrase “brought  on   BURDEN. (1) A solemn pronouncement of judgment
               the way” in  the N.T. (Ac. 15:3)  speaks of  the support   (Is.  13:1).  “a  ‘burden,’  is   the  Hebrew  word  massa,
               given  by churches  to traveling preachers  (Ro. 15:24; 1   referring to a heavy, weighty  thing. It  is  a message of
               Co. 16:6; 2 Co. 1:16; Tit. 3:13; 3 Jn. 6). These passages   judgment. It is ‘heavy’ because the wrath of God is in it,
               teach that the churches  are responsible to fully meet the   and grievous  for  the prophet to  declare” (Scofield). (2)
               needs  of the men  who  minister  to them  and  who are   Something  difficult  or  troublesome;  a  weight  (Mt.
               passing  through  on  the  Lord’s   business.  [See  Lucre,   20:12; Ac. 15:28; Re. 2:24). The Greek word translated
               Missions, Possessions, Tithe.]                    “burden” in  these verses  is baros. It  is also translated
                                                                 “weight”  (2  Co. 4:17)  and  “burdensome”  (1  Th. 2:6).

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