Page 92 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               nature, attributes, and works” (Treasury). [See Capital   murdered (2 Sa. 11-12). [See Guilty of Blood, Guilty of
               Punishment, Evil speaking.]                       Death.]
                  BLASTED.  Scorched;  withered  (Ge.  41:6;  2  Ki.   BLOOD THIRSTY. The violent (Pr. 29:10).
               19:26; Is. 37:27).                                  BLOODY.  (1)  Murderous;  violent  (2  Sa.  16:8;  Ps.
                  BLAZE. To spread far and wide (Mk. 1:45).      5:6;  26:9;  55:23;  59:2;  Eze.  7:23).  (2)  Cruel  (Ex.
                  BLESS. (1)  To  pronounce divine favor  and benefits   4:25-26). Moses’ wife unjustly  thought  him to  be cruel
               (Ge. 1:22; 9:1-7;  39:5). God  blessed  Adam, but Adam   because he required the circumcision of his son.
               lost God’s  blessing by his  sin. God blessed Noah and his   BLOODY FLUX. Dysentery (Ac. 28:8).
               sons  that  they  might  repopulate the world  (Ge.  9:1).   BLOW UP. Blow loudly (Ps. 131:3).
               God blessed Abraham and promised him an everlasting   BOANERGES (sons of rage, soon angry). Mk. 3:17.
               nation  (Ge.  12:1-3).  [See  Covenant.]]The  eternal
               blessing of God comes  through Jesus  Christ upon those   BOAR. A swine (Ps. 80:13).
               who believe  (Ep.  1:3). (2)  To set  apart  or  consecrate   BOAST. To  brag, to praise greatly. The Bible speaks
               (Ge. 2:3; Lk. 9:16). (3)  To praise God  for  His benefits   of wrong boasting, which is  the exaltation of  self  or of
               (Ps. 16:7;  34:1; 96:2; 100:4;  103:1-2, 20-22;  134:1-2;   sinful man, or  a prideful confidence in man apart from
               145:1-2). (4) To  be thankful for and to  bestow benefits   God  (2  Ch.  25:19;  Eze.  35:13;  Ps.  10:3;  49:6;  52:1;
               upon something in a general sense; to  speak well of and   94:4; 97:7; Pr. 27:1; Ja. 3:5). This kind of boasting is a
               to desire God’s blessing upon  (2  Sa. 6:20;  8:10;  1  Ki.   great  sin  before God (Ro. 1:30;  2  Ti. 3:2).  There is a
               1:47; Pr. 30:11; Mt. 5:44; Ro. 12:14).            proper  boasting, which  is  praise to  and  confidence  in
                  BLIND. (1) Unable to see with the natural eyes  (Ge.   God and in His work (Ps. 34:2; 44:8; 2 Co. 7:14; 8:24;
               19:11; Ex. 4:11;  De. 28:29). The Mosaic law provided   10:15-16; 11:16).  Salvation is by  grace alone through
               for the blind (Le. 19:14; De. 27:18). Job  cared  for  the   faith  alone without  works or  sacraments so that  man
               blind (Job 29:15). The prophets said the Messiah would   has  no place for boasting in  himself or  in his religious
               open blind eyes  (Ps. 146:8; Is. 29:18; 35:5; 42:7). Christ   works;  our  boasting  is  exclusively  of  the  Lord  Jesus
               healed the blind (Mt. 9:27, 28; 11:5; 12:22; 15:30, 31;   Christ  (Ep.  2:8-9;  Ro.  3:27).  [See  Grace,  Humble,
               20:30;  Mk.  8:22,  23;  10:46-51;  Lk.  4:18;  7:21-22;   Pride.]
               18:35;  Jn.  9:1-41;  10:21;  11:37).  (2)  Spiritually   BOAZ (cheerfulness). The wealthy man who  married
               hardhearted  and  unable  to  discern  God’s  truth  (Mt.   Ruth (Ru. 2). Ruth and Boaz were grandparents of King
               23:16-26; Jn. 12:40; Ro. 11:7, 25; 2 Co. 4:4; Ep. 4:18).   David (Ru. 4:13-22), thus  they are in the family  line of
               (3) Justice clouded by the giving of gifts (Ex. 23:8; De.  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  (Mt.  1:1-6).  Boaz  was  Ruth’s
               16:19; 1 Sa. 12:3). (4) Carnal; spiritually undiscerning  kinsman  redeemer  (Le.  25:25)  and  as  such  pictures
               (2 Pe. 1:9; Re. 3:17). [See Vail.]                Christ.  As  Boaz  was  willing  and  able  to  redeem  the
                  BLOOD. The life of man is  in the blood  (Le. 17:11,   Gentile Ruth, even  so does Christ  redeem  and receive
               14).  God’s law  demands death  AND  the  shedding  of   Gentiles today. As Boaz  made Ruth  to share his name
               blood for transgression (Le. 17:11; Eze. 18:4; Ro. 6:23;   and wealth, even so do Christians  inherit Christ’s glory.
               He. 9:22). The O.T. sacrifices  depicted  how God’s  Son,   Ruth  became  Boaz’s  wife  and  friend,  and  Christians
               Jesus Christ, would pay the price for sin (He. 9-10; 1 Pe.   become Christ’s  bride (Ep.  5)  and  friend  (Jn.  15:15).
               1:18-19).  Jesus’  death  alone  could  not  save  us;  His   [See Covenant, Gospel,  Jesus Christ,  Jubilee, Kinsman
               blood  was  required.  In  Ro.  5:9-10  we  see  the  two   Redeemer, Type.]
               together. Verse 9  says we  are justified  “by  his blood,”   BOCHERU (youth). 1 Ch. 8:38.
               and v. 10 says  we are reconciled “by  his death.” What   BOCHIM (weepers). Ju. 2:1.
               Jesus’  blood  does  for  the  believer:  Justifies  (Ro.  5:9),   BODY  OF  HEAVEN.  The very  substance or  form of
               unifies  (1  Co. 10:16), provides  eternal redemption and   heaven; clear  and  lovely  like the heavens  (Ex. 24:10).
               forgiveness (Ep. 1:7; 1 Pe. 1:18,19; He. 9:12), brings us   This  is  a description of the clearness  and  beauty of the
               near to God (Ep. 2:13), grants peace (Col. 1:20), purges   firmament beneath  the Lord. In  Revelation  4:6 the sea
               our  conscience  (He.  9:14),  grants  access  into  God’s   before the throne of God is described as “a sea of glass
               presence (He. 10:19),  sanctifies  (He. 13:12),  cleanses   like unto  crystal.” This might be the same as or similar
               from all sin (1 Jn. 1:7), frees  from sins (Re. 1:5), gives   to that which was seen by Moses  on the mountain. [See
               victory over Satan (Re. 12:11). [See Atonement, Gospel,   Glory, Heaven.]
               Justification, Propitiation, Redemption, Offering.]  BOHAN (stumpy). Jos. 15:6.
                  BLOOD GUILTINESS. Guilty  of causing man’s death   BOIL.  A  sore  swelling  of  the  skin.  Boils  were  the
               (Ps. 51:14). David cried out to  God to be delivered from   sixth Egyptian plague (Ex. 9:9-11). Job was afflicted by
               “blood  guiltiness”  because he had  caused  Uriah  to be   boils (Job. 2:7).

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