Page 96 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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generally that these Dunkers, or Brethren, are former Greek to aid Christians in Bible study. [See Bible
German Reformed bodies which took their theology and Versions.]
much of their practice from the Pietists of the 17th and “As a result of a division in England in 1848, there
18th centuries. Most Pietists were Lutherans who had are two basic types of Brethren assemblies, commonly
become unhappy with the formal worship and ritual in known as exclusive and open. most of the movement’s
their state church and the general ‘barrenness’ of well-known Bible teachers—Kelly, Grant, Mackintosh,
German Protestantism. They took the N.T. literally and [Darby himself], and others. ... Open assemblies were
endeavored to put its teachings into practice, even in led by George Muller, well known for his orphanages
the least detail of their living. ... From those German and life of faith. only 250 exclusive
Pietists came Church of the Brethren, Brethren Church, groups” (Handbook).
Old German Baptist Brethren, and Fellowship of Grace “Within these churches, the common terminology is
Brethren Churches. Another group historically unrelated simply Brethren, or assemblies, or Brethren assemblies.
to these, known as River Brethren, also took its ideology The term Plymouth Brethren is not used by the Brethren
from the German Pietists. That group includes Brethren themselves, but was a label outsiders gave to them in
in Christ, Old Order Brethren, and United Zion Plymouth, England. The matter of names is a sensitive
Church” (Handbook). Some of the Brethren distinctives issue among Brethren, reflecting a historical emphasis
are foot washing, plainness of dress and the disavowal on the unity of all believers. The early Brethren
of worldly fashions, head coverings on women, envisioned a basis for Christian unity—not in the
anointing the sick, eschewing worldly amusements, ecumenical merging of denominations, but rather in
refusing to take oaths, pacifism and refusal to go to war. forsaking denominational structures and names in order
As with the Amish and Mennonites, there is a general to meet simply as Christians. ... names like Bible Chapel
tendency for these European Brethren descendants to or Gospel Hall, usually prefixed with the name of a city,
retain only the outward form of their past spirituality, community, street, or some biblical term like Grace,
and to be barren today of the new birth. Bethel, or Bethany, are preferred to Church when
(3) PLYMOUTH BRETHREN. The Plymouth Brethren naming a building” (Ibid.).
is a Christian movement which originated in England in The Brethren have been zealous for Bible doctrine
the 19th century. According to Roy Huebmer, a Brethren and hold to the evangelical Bible faith in areas such as
historian and author of Precious Truths Revived and Inspiration, Salvation, God, the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the
Defended Through J.N. Darby, this movement can be Holy Spirit, Resurrection, heaven, and hell. Though
traced to 1827 when John Nelson Darby (1800-1882) Bible prophecy was interpreted allegorically by most
and three other men began to conduct Bible studies and Christians in the 19th century, the Brethren were
to break bread together in Dublin. Darby was the instrumental in popularizing the dispensational method
grandson of Lord Nelson of Trafalgar fame. He gave up of interpretation, which views biblical history as
a law practice to work as a deacon in the Church of dispensations or eras in which God has been worked out
England and to preach and do visitation work. He left His purposes through men, and which interprets Bible
the Anglican Church in the summer of 1827. He never prophecy in a consistent literal-historical manner. The
married, and he used his personal estate to support Brethren believe that God’s promises to the nation Israel
himself. Eventually Darby moved to Plymouth, England, will be fulfilled literally, that the Tribulation and
and the church he established there grew to over 1,200 Millennium will be fulfilled literally. The Brethren
members by 1845. Darby was a diligent student and emphasized the imminent coming of Christ for His own
prolific writer. William Kelly compiled and published 34 in the Rapture of the saints, though they did not fall
large volumes of J.N. Darby’s works (in the Collected into the error of setting dates. The writings of Darby,
Writings). Seven volumes of Darby’s Notes and William Kelly, C.H. Mackintosh, and other Brethren
Comments were published from his notebooks dispensationalists had a powerful influence on C.I.
posthumously. Darby also produced translations of the Scofield, and these views are reflected in the popular
Bible in German, French, and English. The Darby Scofield Reference Bible of 1909. Another well-known
English translation follows the Received Text for the Brethren was Sir Robert Anderson, who was chief of
most part, though it does contain a number of Westcott- Scotland Yard and who wrote books on Bible prophecy
Hort omissions and other departures from the TR. For which were widely distributed.
example, the eunuch’s testimony in Ac 8:37 is omitted,
as is the trinity statement of 1 Jn. 5:7. He did not intend Some of the distinctives of the Plymouth Brethren
that his versions replace the Luther German and King movement are as follows: (1) The remembrance
James English translations; his stated goal was to meeting held each Sunday, during which the Lord’s
provide very literal interpretations of the Hebrew and Supper is received. All men of the assembly are free to
take part in the service and to testify. (2) Though the
96 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity