Page 98 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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Strong defines this as “a weight; a load.” (3) A BUSYBODY. Meddling, without authority, in the
responsibility; a duty; a task of service (Mt. 11:30; 23:4; affairs of others (2 Th. 3:11; 1 Ti. 5:13; 1 Pe. 4:15).
Lk. 11:46). The Greek word translated “burden” here [See Backbite, Evil Speaking, Gossip, Intermeddle,
(phortion) is defined by Strong as “as invoice (as part of Slander, Talebearer, Tattler, Whisperer.]
freight), i.e. a task or service.” “In Ga. 6:2 and 5 both BUZ (contempt). Ge. 22:21.
words are employed: ‘Bear ye one another’s burdens BY AND BY. Immediately (Mt. 13:21; Mk. 6:25; Lk.
(baros) ... for every man shall bear his own burden 17:7; 21:9).
(phortion).’ We may and should in sympathy bear one
another’s troubles, and so on; but each one is BY COURSE. In due order; one by one (1 Co. 14:27).
responsible for his own duty: he cannot transfer it to [See Course.]
another” (Concise). [See Prophecy, Suffering, Trial.] BY THAT. Before (Ex. 22:26).
BURIAL. The common type of burial for the Jews BY STRENGTH OF HAND. By his power (Ex. 13:3 ,
was to lay the body in a cave, whether natural or man- 14, 16).
made (Ge. 25:9-10; Jn. 11:41-44; Mt. 27:60) or to BY THE HAND OF. By; by means of (Ge. 38:20).
lower it into the ground (2 Ki. 13:20-21). The body is BYWORD. A proverb (2 Ch. 7:20).
buried by faith in the resurrection (1 Co. 15:42-44). BYZANTINE TEXT. A name for the Greek Received
[See Cremation, Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection.] Text underlying the King James Version and other
BURNING BUSH. The manner in which God first Reformation Bibles. “This Majority Text is usually called
appeared to Moses (Ex. 3:2-3; Mk. 12:26). the Byzantine Text by modern textual critics. This is
BURNT OFFERING. [See Offerings.] because all modern critics acknowledge that this was
BURSTING. Breaking (Is. 30:14). the Greek New Testament text in general use
BUSHEL. [See Weights and Measures.] throughout the greater part of the Byzantine Period
(312-1453) (Edward F. Hills, ”The magnificent Burgon,"
Which Bible?, p. 89). [See Bible Versions, Erasmus,
Masoretic Text, Preservation.]
98 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity