Page 103 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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CARBUNCLE. A bright, shining gem. (Ex. 28:17; CAST. (1) Throw; discard; toss or lay aside; drop
39:10; Is. 54:12; Eze. 28:13). “The Hebrew root (Ge. 21:10; 37:20; Ex. 15:4; 28:40). (2) Fashion; mold;
suggests a ‘shining stone’ (Revell). “Bareketh, from form (Ge. 31:51; Ex. 25:12). (3) Set up; build (2 Ki.
barak, to lighten, glitter, a very elegant gem, of a deep 19:32; Je. 6:6). (4) Meditate upon; consider (Lk. 1:29).
red color, with a mixture of scarlet” (Treasury). CAST A BANK AGAINST. Set up a fortification (2 Ki.
CARCAS (severe). Es. 1:10. 19:32). [See Military.]
CARCASS. Dead body of a man or animal (Le. 5:2; CAST ABOUT. To return; come again; go about;
11:8-40; De. 14:8; 28:26; 1 Ki. 13:24-30; 2 Ki. 9:37). compass (Je. 41:14).
CARCHEMISH (citadel of Chemosh). 2 Ch. 35:20. CAST IN THE MIND. Meditate upon; consider (Lk.
CAREFUL. Anxiety; worry; concern. What we should 1:29).
not be careful for (in the sense of worrying and fretting): CASTAWAY. Disapproved; rejected. This term in 1
(1) Daily needs (Mt. 6:24-33; Ph. 4:11-12; Ps. 37:25). Co. 9:27 refers to Paul’s fear that he would be rejected
(2) Tomorrow (Mt. 6:34). (3) Guidance (Pro. 3:5-6; Ps. by God in terms of his service and usefulness and
37:23). (4) Life’s responsibilities (Lk. 10:41). (5) Evil reward. The context of 1 Corinthians 9:27 is Christian
men (Ps. 37:1). (6) Security in Christ (1 Jn. 5:11-13; 2 service (1 Co. 9:24-26). The subject is running a race
Ti. 1:12; Ro. 8:28-39). What we should be careful for (in and winning a prize, whereas salvation is a free gift (Ep.
the sense of being deeply concerned for and looking 2:9-10).
after): (1) Our own spiritual condition and growth (1 CASTOR. The Castor and Pollux in Ac. 28:11 were
Co. 9:24-27). (2) The souls of the unsaved (Ps. 142:4; the two names of the sons of Jupiter, regarded by sailors
Ro. 9:1-3) (3) The welfare of other Christians (1 Th. as their tutelary divinities, appearing in the heavens as
3:5; Ga. 4:19-20; 2 Co. 11:28; He. 3:12-13). (4) The the constellation of the Gemini or Twins. On shipboard
welfare of our country and government leaders (1 Ti. they were recognized in the phosphoric lights which
2:1-2). (5) Our testimony before men (1 Pe. 4:15). (6) play about the masts and sails. Hence Roman poets so
The church (1 Co. 7:11). (7) Our families (1 Ti. 5:8; often allude to these divinities in relation to navigation
Pro. 23:26-28). (8) The welfare of strangers (Lk. (Young).
10:34-35). (9) The return of Christ (Re. 22:20). [See CATABAPTIST. A term, meaning immersion, which
Anxious, Take Thought For.] was applied at various times to the various anabaptist
CARMEL (fruitful place). A mountain in the groups, such as the Waldenses and the Albigenses.
northwest of Israel (Jos. 12:22). It was a favorite place Historian John Christian notes: “The Baptists preferred
of Baal worship in the time of Ahab and Jezebel, and it the name Catabaptists to that of Anabaptists. Indeed,
is where Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal (1 Ki. 18). they always repudiated the word Anabaptist, since they
CARMI (fruitful, noble). Jos. 7:1. did not consider that they practised anabaptism. They
CARNAL. (1) Pertaining to the sinful nature of man simply baptized; never attempted to rebaptize. They did
(Ro. 8:7). The Christians at Corinth were called carnal think they practised catabaptism, namely, immersion.
because they were living in many ways like unsaved They never would have admitted the name as applicable
men, they were living under the power of the carnal to them if it meant despisers of baptism. They practised
nature (1 Co. 3:1-4). “To be ‘carnal’ or fleshly denotes baptism; they rejected infant baptism. ‘They naturally
an unhealthy Christian state. To be ‘carnal’ is equivalent disowned,’ says Gieseler, the able historian, ‘the name
to a condition marked in Scripture as babyhood, Anabaptist, as they declared infant baptism invalid and
requiring ‘milk,’ and not ‘solid food’ (He. 5:12-14). Our called themselves Catabaptists’ (Gieseler, A Compendium
safety is in walking in the power of the Holy Ghost (Ro. of Ecclesiastical History, V. 255,256) (Christian, A History
8:13-14)” Handbook). (2) Physical, material things (Ro. of the Baptists, Vol. 1, p. 110). [See Baptism -
15:27; 1 Co. 9:11; 2 Co. 10:4). [See Flesh, Natural, Immersion, Baptism - Infant, History - Church.]
Sanctification, Sin, Worldly.] CATACOMB. Underground burial places. The
CARPUS (fruit). 2 Ti. 4:13. catacombs around Rome were used as hiding places by
CARRIAGE. Vessels; baggage (1 Sa. 17:22; Is. 46:1). Christians during the Roman persecutions in the early
CARSHENA (slender). Es. 1:14. centuries.
CATECHISM. A form of instruction by means of
CASEMENT. Window, latticework (Pr. 7:6). questions and answers, particularly in the principles of
CASIPHIA (white, shining). Ezr. 8:17. religion (Webster). Catechisms are popular in the high
CASSIA. The bark of an aromatic plant resembling church denominations, such as the Roman Catholic and
cinnamon, the Arabian cassia (Ex. 30:24; Ps. 45:8; Eze. Lutheran.
Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity 103