Page 100 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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CALDRON. A pot in which meat is boiled; often used Sebat (corresponding to parts of January and
symbolically of God’s judgment (Je. 52:18-19; Eze. February)
11:3, 7, 11). Adar (corresponding to parts of February and
CALEB (forcible, bold). One of the 12 spies who March)
investigated the land of Canaan for Israel. Of the 12, [See Ab, Adar, Bul, Chisleu, Elul, Ethanim, Friday,
only Caleb and Joshua gave a good report and had faith Nisan, Sabbath, Sebat, Sivan, Sunday, Tebeth,
that God would give them the land (Nu. 13). God Thammuz, Watch, Zif.]
rewarded Caleb for his faith and obedience (Jos. CALNEH (fort of Ana or Anu). Ana or Anu was one
1:12-15, 20; 14:7). of the chief objects of Babylonian worship (Ge. 10:10)
CALENDAR. “Like so many ancient peoples, the (Young). [See Idolatry.]
Hebrews also used the period during which the moon CALVARY (a skull). [See Cross, Crucify, Golgotha,
accomplishes its changes as a unit of time—the month. Hang.]
Their year was made up of twelve moon-months of 29 CALVINISM. [See Elect, Presbyterian.]
days each. The Hebrews were also acquainted with the CAME TO HIS HAND. That which he has in
solar year. The discrepancy between the solar and lunar possession (Ge. 32:13).
year they then smoothed over by means of an CAMEL. Camels are mentioned more than 60 times
intercalary month inserted about every third year which in the Bible, beginning with Abraham (Ge. 12:16). The
was called Veadar, that is, the additional Adar, bringing Arabian camel, called a dromedary, has long legs, short
the number to 13. No notice, however, is taken of such a hair, and one hump. This is the type of camel commonly
month in the Bible. The usual method of designating the found in Israel and Egypt. The Bactrian camel has
months is by their numerical order, e.g., ‘the second shorter legs, long hair, and two humps. The name comes
month’ (Ge. 7:11), ‘the fourth month’ (2 Ki. 15:3), was from ancient Bactria, on the Oxus River in northern
generally retained even when the names were given; Afghanistan. The camel was used for war (Jud. 7:12). It
e.g., ‘in the month Zif, which is the second month’ (1 Ki. can run 40 MPH for short distances and can maintain 25
6:1), ‘in the third month, that is, the month of MPH for several hours. The camel is used as a beast of
Sivan’ (Est. 8:9). The identification of the Hebrew burden (Ge. 37:25). It can carry hundreds of pounds of
months with our own cannot be effected with precision goods. The camel is also used for transportation (Ge.
on account of the variations that must inevitably exist 24:61). The Arabian camel is up to 7.5 feet tall at the
between the lunar and the solar month” (Potts). hump, 11 feet long, and weighs up to 1,500 pounds. It
We should also note the difference in the Roman day, kneels down to allow people to get on its back, first
the Jewish day, and our present day. THE ROMAN DAY kneeling on its front knees, then sitting down on its rear
began at 6:00 A.M. and closed at 6:00 the next legs. At about age five months it develops callus-like
morning. THE JEWISH DAY began at sunset and closed bare spots on its knees and chest to support its weight
at the next sunset (or from about 6:00 P.M. to the next when kneeling. The camel seat is called “furniture” (Ge.
6:00 P.M.). OUR DAY begins at midnight and closes the 31:34). The camel can eat thorny desert plants without
next midnight (James Crumpton). injuring its mouth or thick lips. It can even eat leather
Hebrew Months Listed in Order: shoes. It can kick in four directions with each of its legs.
Abib or Nisan (corresponding to parts of March and It can spit a foul-smelling green fluid from its stomach
April) as a defense. Called “the ship of the desert,” the camel is
Zif (corresponding to parts of April and May) designed by God to use water very efficiently and can go
Sivan (commencing with the new moon of June) many days without drinking. The camel doesn’t sweat
Thammuz (corresponding to parts of June and until 106 degrees F thus preserving body fluid. Its
July) internal thermostat can vary within a 10 degree
Ab (corresponding to parts of July and August) parameter to suit the condition. Its nostrils trap water
Elul (corresponding to parts of August and vapor which is returned to its body as fluid. Its coat
Ethanim (corresponding to parts of September and reflects sunlight and insulates from heat. The camel’s
October) red blood cells are oval shaped so they can flow even
Bul (corresponding to parts of October and when dehydrated rather than clumping as human blood
November) cells do. The camel is the only mammal to have this type
Chisleu (corresponding to parts of November and of red blood cells. The camel can lose 25% of its body
December) fluid without getting dehydrated and being in danger of
Tebeth (commencing with the new moon in dying, whereas most mammals can lose only 15%. Its
January) hump stores up to 80 pounds of fat and can release one
gram of water for every gram of fat. As the fat is
100 Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible & Christianity