Page 99 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  CAB. [See Weights and Measures.]               buildings were covered  with  beautiful  mosaic patterns
                  CABINS. A vault or arched cell (Je. 37:16).    created  with  colorful tiles. The city  had  fountains and
                  CABUL (dry, sandy). Jos. 19:27.                pools and a public  bathhouse with hot, warm, and cold
                  CAESAR.  The  name  of  the  ruling  family  of  the   water.  Herod’s palace was  built  out  into the  sea on  a
                                                                 causeway and featured a large indoor pool carved from
               Roman empire from the 3rd century B.C. Cæsar was  the   the  rock.  Water  was brought  to  Caesarea  from  miles
               title taken by each of the Roman emperors  (Mt. 22:17,   away via an aqueduct built by the Roman Tenth Legion.
               21;  Jn.  19:12,  15;  Ac.  11:28;  17:7;  25:8-21;  26:32;   A large segment is  still standing 2,000 years  later. When
               27:24; 28:19; Ph. 4:22).                          the  water  reached  the  city  via  the  aqueduct,  it  was
                  CAESAREA.  A  Roman  seaport  city  on  the    channeled  into pipes to  provide water  and to power  a
               Mediterranean.  It  was   called  Caesarea  Maritima  to   sewer  system.  Caesarea had  a  4,000-seat  theater  that
               distinguish  it  from  Caesarea  Philippi,  which  was   a   was  used  for  speeches,  trials,  plays,  and  gladiatorial
               different  city  located  at  the foot  of  Mt.  Hermon  (Mt.   contests. Caesarea had a 10,000-seat  hippodrome (also
               16:13). Caesarea Maritima is mentioned 15 times in the   called  a  circus)  used  for  chariot  races, Greek  athletic
               book of  Acts. Cornelius, a centurion  who commanded   contests, gladiatorial contests, and other events.
               100 soldiers, was  saved and baptized here after hearing   CAIAPHAS (depression, humiliation). Mt. 26:3.
               Peter  preach  the  gospel  (Acts  10).  It  was  here  that
               Herod Agrippa was  eaten of worms  because he failed to   CAIN. The first  son of Adam and Eve. Cain became
               give God the glory (Acts  12:19-23). Philip the evangelist   the first murderer when he killed his  brother, Abel, who
               lived  here  (Acts   21:8).  After  Paul  was   arrested  in   was  a prophet (Lk. 11:50; 1:70; Ac. 3:21). Cain was  the
               Jerusalem he was  sent to  Caesarea and spent two years   inventor of false religion, as  he refused to  approach God
               imprisoned there until he was  sent to Rome. It was  here   in  the  prescribed  manner  (Ge.  4).  “The  way  of
               that he appeared before Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa   Cain” (Jude 11) is  (1) the way of religion by good works
               (Acts   23:23  -  26:32).  (This   Agrippa  was  a  great   rather  than  by  God’s  grace  in  Christ, (2)  the  way  of
               grandson  of Herod the Great.) It was  here that Pontius   those who  believe that man is basically good and can do
               Pilate lived in luxury and splendor as  the Roman prefect   acceptable works before God, (3) the way  of rejecting
               or  governor  of  Judea (AD 26-36).  Built  by  Herod  the   Jesus  Christ  as   the  Lamb  of  God,  (4)  the  way  of
               Great,  Caesarea  Maritima  became  the  capital  of  the   following  man’s thinking  rather  than  God’s  Word,  (5)
               Roman  province  of  Judea. The place was originally  a   the  way  of  claiming  that  there  are  multiple paths to
               Phoenician coastal station called Stratos  Tower, after the   God, (6) the way of those who reject God’s warning and
               name  of  a  Sidonian  king.  Herod’s Caesarea  Maritima   refuse to repent (Ge. 4:6-8), (7) the way of persecuting
               was  one of the crown jewels of the Roman Empire and   the true saints  of God, (8) the way of those who  want a
               its  man-made  harbor  was  the  largest  artificial  harbor   bloodless  religion. Cain replaced the blood and death of
               ever  built  in the open sea to  that time. “The scale and   an innocent sacrifice with fresh vegetables  from his own
               complexity  of this  project, along with the rapidity of its   garden. He is  the father of theological modernists who
               execution,  are  remarkable  even  if  judged  by  modern   deny  the  necessity  of  Christ’s  blood  atonement.  For
               standards.  It  ranks  as   one  of  the  most  impressive   example, the Today’s  English Version changed the word
               engineering accomplishments  of the Augustan Age.” The   “blood” to  “death,” because of the modernistic theology
               100-acre harbor formed a safe shelter to anchor  Roman   of its  translator  Robert Bratcher. [See Abel, Atonement,
               fleets as well as  quays for cargo. “It seems  that the outer   Blood, Gospel, Grace, Repentance,  Offerings, Sacrifice,
               basin  was  designed  to  accommodate  passing  fleets;   Type.]
               probably  the great grain  fleets sailing from  Alexandria   CAINAN (acquisition). Ge. 5:9.
               to Rome”  (Zaraza Friedman, “Caesarea  Maritima”).  At   CALAH (firm, old age). Ge. 10:11.
               the  harbor  entrance  there  were  six  colossal  statues,   CALAMITY. Misfortune; trouble; loss  (De. 32:35; Ps.
               three  on  each  side.  At  the  top  of  the  harbor  was  a   18:18; 57:1; Pr. 1:26; 6:15; 17:5; 19:13; 24:22; 27:10;
               temple  devoted  to   Caesar  worship,  with  a  massive   Je. 18:17; 46:21). [See Suffering.]
               enthroned statue patterned after the Zeus  at Olympia in   CALAMUS. Sweet-scented  cane. It  is a knotty  root,
               Greece. The Roman name for  Zeus  was Jupiter, and  he   reddish  without  and  white  within,  and  filled  with  a
               was  the empire’s  chief  god.  The  city  had  colonnaded   spongy substance (Ex. 30:23) (Webster).
               streets   and  all  sorts   of  magnificent  buildings  and
               sprawling private villas. Many  of  the floors  of  Roman   CALCOL (sustaining). 1 Ch. 2:6.

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