Page 94 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  The  Result  of  the  New  Birth:  Those  who are  born   loan  money  to  someone  who  has  proven  that  he  is
               again  have  eternal  inheritance  and  are  preserved  by   unwise  with  money  or  to someone who is already  in
               God  (1  Pe.  1:3-5).  Their  lives,  also,  are  completely   debt. Don’t loan money to someone with bad character
               changed  by  the power  of  the  indwelling Spirit  (2  Co.   (for  example,  lying,  stealing,  hiding  from  creditors,
               5:17;  1  Jn.  3:14).  [See  Adoption,  Convert,  Eternal   having  a  bad  testimony  in  his  or  her  Christian  life)
               Security,  Gospel,  Grace,  Justification,  Regeneration,   (Prov. 4:14-17). When we enable people to  do evil, we
               Repentance, Salvation.]                           become partakers  of their evil deeds (1  Ti. 5:22; 2  Jn.
                  BORROWER. One who borrows money and makes a    10-11; Re. 18:4).
               debt  (Pr.  22:7).  The  Bible  warns   about  unwise   BOSSES. The thickest, strongest part (Job 15:26).
               borrowing  and  making  unwise  business contracts (Pr.   BOTCH. An incurable skin disease (De. 28:27, 35).
               6:1-5).  Following  are  some  biblical  lessons  on  this   BOTTLE. (1) A bag of animal skins for holding water
               subject: (1) If you see that you have made a mistake, try   or wine (Jos. 9:4, 13; Ps. 119:83; Mt. 9:17). “The Arabs
               to  find  a  way  out  of it  (for  example, wrong  marriage   keep  their  water,  milk  and  other  liquids  in  leathern
               engagement,  wrong  business  partnership,  wrong  job,   bottles. These are made of goatskins. When the animal
               wrong education). If  the obligation has been  finalized,   is  killed they cut off its  feet and its  head, and draw it in
               you are responsible to fulfill the contract, but it is wise   this  manner  out  of the skin  without  opening  its  belly.
               to  do   everything  possible  to   get  out  of  it  if  at  all   The great leathern bottles are made of the skin of a he-
               possible, such as working a second job  to pay off a debt   goat, and the small ones, that  serve instead of a bottle
               quickly. (2) The borrower becomes a servant (Prov. 22:7).   of water on the road, are made of a kid’s skin” (Smith).
               A business  obligation is a contract before man and God.   (2) An earthen jar (Je. 19:1).
               Don’t borrow unless you are certain you can pay it back.
               Consider  the terrible plight of the prophet’s  family in 2   BOTTOMLESS  PIT.  The  place  where  certain
               Kings  4:1.  God  holds  us  responsible when  we make  a   demonic  powers  are confined until they will be released
               promise. He requires  us to  speak the truth  (Zec. 8:16;   during  the  Great  Tribulation  (Re.  9:1-11). The  Greek
               Ep. 4:25). We are bound by our promises, whether it is   word  for  the  Bottomless  Pit  is  abussos,  abyss, and  is
               in a marriage contract or a business  contract. I know of   translated “the deep” in Lk. 8:31. In Re. 11:7 and 17:8
               some  believers  who  have  filed  for  bankruptcy  in   the Bottomless Pit is  mentioned in connection  with  the
               America in order  to  escape their  debts, but  that is not   Antichrist.  Apparently  this  mysterious   personage
               the Christian way. It might be necessary  under  certain   ascends  out of this pit with the demons. The devil will
               conditions to renegotiate  the  contract  and  extend  the   be  confined  in  the  Bottomless  Pit  for  1,000   years
               terms of payment, but debts must be paid. It is  a matter   following  Christ’s return  (Re. 20:1-3).  [See  Antichrist,
               of Christian honesty. (3) It is especially unwise to borrow   Devils, Prophecy, Satan.]
               on bad terms. A  friend  in  South  Asia recently  told  me   BOW. (1) The bow and arrow (Ge. 27:3). (2) To bow
               that he went to a bank to  inquire about  a loan. They   down;  to honor;  to  worship  (Ge.  18:2;  23:12;  1  Ki.
               were going to charge him 20% interest, plus  he had to   19:28). (3) The rainbow (Ge. 9:13-16). [See Rainbow.]
               deposit 20% of the borrowed amount into  the bank and   (3) The bow  and arrow (Ge. 27:3). “The bow was  the
               pay interest on that, too! Many people in this  same part   principal  weapon  of  offense  among  the  Egyptians,
               of  the world  borrow  from  private lenders  who charge   Assyrians, and  Hebrews.  That  of  the Egyptians was  a
               30% interest plus  various  fees  and penalties. People who   round piece of wood, from five to  five and one half feet
               agree to  such contracts  are not wise. God has promised   long,  either  straight  or  bending  in  the  middle  when
               to provide our needs  and to make a way for us  if we will   unstrung. The string was made of hide, catgut, or string.
               obey Him and walk in His  paths, and we must trust Him   The Assyrian archer was  equipped in all respects like the
               and not make foolish decisions  in desperation. To do  the   Egyptian, the bow being either long and slightly  curved
               latter is  to act in unbelief rather than faith, but without   or  short  and  almost  angular.  Among the Hebrews the
               faith  it is  impossible to please God  (He. 11:6).  (4) Be   bow and arrow are met with very  early in their history,
               very careful about lending money. There is  a right time to   both for  the chase (Ge. 21:20; 27:3) and  war (48:22).
               lend  (Ps. 37:26; Lk. 6:35). But it  is  unwise to  lend to   In  later  times  archers  accompanied  the  armies  of  the
               anyone  who   asks.  The  lending  must  be  done  with   Philistines (1 Sa. 31:3; 1 Ch. 10:3) and of the Syrians  (1
               wisdom (Ps. 112:5). Don’t loan to strangers (Pr. 11:15).   Ki. 22:34). Among the Hebrews, captains  high  in rank
               Don’t  loan  to  a  lazy  person  or  someone  who doesn’t   (2 Ki. 9:24), and even kings’ sons  (1 Sa. 18:4), carried
               work hard (2 Th. 3:10; Pr. 6:6-10). Don’t loan money to   the bow, and  were expert  in its use (2 Sa. 1:22). The
               an  undependable  person  with  a  poor  testimony  (Pr.   tribe  of  Benjamin  seems   to   have  been  especially
               25:19; Lk. 16:10). Don’t loan money to someone who  is   addicted  to  archery  (1  Ch.  8:40;  12:2;  2  Ch.  14:8;
               involved  in  a get-rich-quick scheme  (Pr.  28:20). Don’t   17:17);  but  there were also bowmen  among  Reuben,
                                                                 Gad, Manasseh (1 Ch. 5:18), and Ephraim (Ps. 78:9). Of

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