Page 91 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               inspiration  of  books  penned  by  Moses,  Daniel,  Paul,   BINNUI (familyship). Ezr. 8:33.
               James, and Peter. In  the notes  to the 1962 New Oxford   BIRD.  A  fowl  (Ge.  7:14;  Le.  14:6-7;  Pr. 1:17; 6:5;
               Annotated  Bible RSV, which  he co-edited with  Herbert   7:23;  26:2;  27:8;  Mt.  8:20).  The  bird  is  used
               May, Metzger said the O.T. is  “a matrix of myth, legend,   symbolically  of  demons  and  of  evil  things  in  Christ’s
               and history.” He denied the worldwide flood, called Job   parable in  Mt. 13:32. Compare Mt.  13:4  and  19;  Re.
               an “ancient folktale,” claimed  there are two authors  of   18:2.
               Isaiah, called Jonah a “popular  legend,” and  otherwise   BIRSHA (thick, strong). Ge. 14:2.
               attacked the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture.   BIRTHRIGHT. The inheritance right of the firstborn
                  The  previous  information  is  only  the  “tip  of  the   son. The father’s rank and position as head of the family,
               iceberg.” We have merely  touched on a few of the high   or tribe, passed at death  to the eldest son. By  right, he
               points of the apostasy  of the past 200 years, and it is in   received a double portion  of the father’s  property  (De.
               the midst of and in the context of this end-time apostasy   21:15-17). The firstborn  of  the  king  succeeded  to the
               that  the  unscriptural  theories   of  modern  textual   throne  (2  Ch.  21:3),  unless   set  aside  by  divine
               criticism were developed and have gained favor and the   appointment, as when Solomon was chosen (1 Ki. 1).
               modern English versions  have appeared to challenge the
               King  James  Bible. The book  The  Modern  Bible  Version   BIRZAVITH (olive well). 1 Ch. 7:31.
               Hall of Shame features extensive documentation  of this   BISHLAM (peace). Ezr. 4:7.
               fact. Also, the book Faith vs. the Modern  Bible Versions   BISHOP (overseer). 1 Ti. 3:1-2; Tit. 1:7. [See Pastor.]
               gives a 10-fold defense of the King James  Bible. Both of   BISHOPRIC.  Oversight;  office  (Ac.  1:20).  [See
               these are available from Way of Life Literature.  Apostle, Judas.]
                  We commend to our readers  the Greek Received Text   BITHIAH (daughter of Jehovah, worshipper). 1  Ch.
               and  faithful  translations   thereof.  You  will  never  be   4:18.
               disappointed if you build your life and church upon this   BITHRON (broken or divided place). 2 Sa. 2:29.
               Eternal Rock. The Bible warns, “...remove not the ancient   BITTER. (1)  Sharp or  biting to the taste (Ex. 12:8;
               landmark, which thy fathers have set” (Pr. 22:29).   15:23;  Nu. 5:18-27;  Ja.  3:11;  Re.  8:11).  (2)  Pointed;
                  [For  discussion  of  the authenticity  of  Mark 16:9-20   angry; painful to the feeling; hurtful; unsympathetic and
               see  Resurrection.  See  also   Bible,  Cut  Off,  Dynamic   unkind (Col. 3:19; Ja. 3:14). (3) Painful; piercing; hard
               Equivalency,  Erasmus,  Inspiration,  King  James   Bible,   (Ge.  27:34;  Ex.  1:14;  Es.  4:1;  Job 3:20;  Ec.  7:26;  Is.
               Living  Bible,  Masoretic Text,  Paraphrase,  Preservation,   33:7).
               Westcott-Hort.]                                     BITTERNESS.  (1)  Sharpness;  pain;  discomfort;
                  BICHRI (youth, firstborn). 2 Sa. 20:1.         unpleasantness (1  Sa. 1:10; Job 7:11; 10:1;  Pr. 14:10;
                  BID.  To   speak;  to   call;  to  invite  (Ge.  43:17;  Lk.   17:25;  Is. 38:15;  Eze.  3:14).  (2)  Hard,  angry,  hurtful
               10:40; Mt. 22:3).                                 words and  thoughts (Ro. 3:14;  Ep.  4:31;  He.  12:15).
                  BIDKAR (servant of Kar). 2 Ki. 9:25.           [See Anger, Evil Speaking.]
                  BIER.  A  light  frame  or  couch  on  which  the  dead   BITTERN. A creature which inhabited places of ruin
               could  be  carried  (2  Sa.  3:31;  Lk. 7:14).  The Hebrew   (Is. 14:23; Zep. 2:14) (Analytical).
               word  mittah  is  often  translated  “bed”  (Ge.  47:31)   BIZJOTHJAH (place of Jehovah’s olives). Jos. 15:28.
               (Concise). [See Burial, Cremation, Death.]          BIZTHA (eunuch). Es. 1:10.
                  BIGTHA (given by fortune). Es. 1:10.             BLAIN.  A  serum-filled  blister  on  the  skin  (Ex.
                  BIGVAI (with exultation, happy). Ezr. 2:2.     9:8-11).
                  BILDAD (son of contention). Job 2:11.            BLAMELESS.  Having  no just cause for  blame.  This
                  BILEAM (place of conquest). 1 Ch. 6:70.        word  is  used  in  two  different  ways  in  regard  to  the
                  BILGAH (bursting forth). 1 Ch. 24:14.          Christian:  He  is  blameless  positionally  in  Christ  (Ep.
                  BILHAH (tender). Ge. 29:29.                    1:4), and  he is  to  be blameless in his testimony before
                                                                 the world (Ph. 2:15; 1 Ti. 3:2, 10). The pastor is  to be
                  BILHAN (tender). Ge. 36:27.                    blameless  in the qualifications  listed in 1  Ti. 3 and Tit.
                  BILL. Writing; ledger account (De. 24:1; Is. 50:1; Je.   1. [See Pastor.]
               3:8; Mk. 10:4; Lk. 16:6).                           BLASPHEME.  Slandering  God,  or  using  His name
                  BILLOWS. A heap (Ps. 42:7; Jon. 2:3).          lightly (Ps. 74:18). “To hurt or blast the reputation, or to
                  BILSHAN (searcher). Ezr. 2:2.                  smite  with  words,  or  reports;  when  applied  to  men
                  BIMHAL (circumcised). 1 Ch. 7:33.              denotes  injurious  speaking, or calumny; and when used
                  BINEA (wanderer). 1 Ch. 8:37.                  in reference to God signifies  speaking impiously  of his

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