Page 117 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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                  5.  WE  REJECT  THE  PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC     In fact, this is  so  far  from what we believe that it is
               MOVEMENT BECAUSE OF THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT       libelous. We believe that the Bible teaches that the sign
               THE  APOSTOLIC  MIRACLES  CAN  BE  REPRODUCED     gifts exercised  by  Christ and  the apostles  were  special
               TODAY.                                            and had a temporary  purpose and  thus ceased, but we
                  The  Pentecostal-Charismatic  movement  has   taught   do not believe that God’s  miraculous power has ceased.
               that  apostolic  miracles  should  be  performed  by  the   Jesus Christ  is  indeed  the  same yesterday,  today, and
               churches in general and particularly  by  the churches  at   forever, but  He does  not  do exactly  the same thing  in
               the end of the age when the “latter rain” is poured out.   every  dispensation. He is  not  instructing men  to  build
               Kathryn Kuhlman said, “Every church  should be seeing   arks  to escape a worldwide flood nor is  He confounding
               the healings of the Book of Acts” (Jamie Buckingham,   tongues as at the tower  of Babel nor  is He giving  the
               Daughter of Destiny, p. 104).                     Law on Mt. Sinai with lightnings and thunderings  nor is
                  In fact, though, the healing ministry  of the apostles   He being born in a manger today nor is He dying for our
               was  unique and was  for  the purpose of authenticating   sins nor  is He coming forth  from  the tomb nor  is  He
               their work. See 2 Corinthians 12:12; Mark 3:14-15; Acts   shedding forth Pentecost with the sound as of a rushing,
               2:43; 3:6-8; 4:33; 5:12, 15; 9:40-41; 19:12; 28:3-5, 7-9.   mighty wind. Nor is  He doing “the signs  of an  apostle”
                  All  Christians  could  not  do  the  sign  miracles.  The   today, because the work of the apostles  was  completed
                                                                 in the first century.
               only exceptions  were a few men closely associated with
               the  apostles  and  upon  whom  the  apostles   had  laid   This  is  not  to say, though, that  God  no longer  does
               hands. If such  miracles could  be done indiscriminately   miracles. He has done great miracles  in every century of
               by  Christians in  general,  the  sign  would  be  rendered   the church age and He is doing great miracles  today. He
               ineffective. If I tell a stranger that is meeting me at the   is  spiritually  raising  the  dead  and  giving  light  to  the
               airport that I will be wearing a red hat when I come off   blind  and conquering rebellious souls  by  the power  of
               of the plane, the red hat is  the sign of recognition; but if   the gospel and supplying the needs  of His churches and
               other  people on my  flight  disembark wearing red  hats   granting  spiritual  understanding  and  guidance  to His
               the  sign  is  destroyed.  There  simply  was  no  general   people  and  healing  the  sick  in  answer  to  prayer
               miracle-working experience among the first churches. If   according to James  5 and granting supernatural power
               there  had  been,  Paul  could  not  have  pointed  to  his   to those who  are persecuted  and oppressed  and many
               miracles as “the signs of an apostle” in 2 Co. 12:12. If all   other  things. God  works  this  type of miracle today, but
               believers could have performed miracles  as a matter of   the sign miracles  had  a temporary  purpose that ceased
               course, the brethren at Joppa would not have called for   with the apostles.
               Peter  to  come  and  raise  Dorcas from  the  dead  (Acts   We  see  the  same  thing  in  the  Old  Testament
               9:36-42). Peter’s  miracle that  day  was  the “sign  of an   dispensation. There were only two  great periods  of the
               apostle.”                                         miraculous. First, miracles were done during the days of
                  It  has  never  been  God’s  will  for  all  Christians  to   Moses   when  God  confirmed  Moses’  authority  to
               perform sign  miracles  and to heal everyone. It  did not   establish  Israel  as   a  nation  and  gave  her  the  Law.
               happen  in  the  first  century  and  it  certainly  is   not   Second, miracles  were done during the early days of the
               happening  today.  Don’t  be  deceived.  Don’t  seek  that   prophets  to confirm their authority to rebuke Israel and
               which  God  has   NOT  promised  and  thereby  leave   to complete the canon of Old Testament Scripture. The
               yourself  open to  spiritual deception. Jesus  warned that   sign-type  of  miracle  was   not  done  indiscriminately
               an evil generation seeks  a sign (Mt. 12:39). Let’s  not be   throughout  the  Old  Testament  dispensation  nor  is  it
               identified with evil. Let us rather seek those things that   done throughout the New Testament dispensation.
               God HAS promised and that He wants  to do in and for   I  am convinced that  the  doctrine that  the apostolic
               and through us  to the glory of Christ. Let us  rather seek   miracles had  a  specific  temporal  purpose  refutes  the
               to live holy  lives and to preach the gospel and to walk   Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
               by faith and to see souls  saved and lives changed for the   6.  WE  REJECT  THE  PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC
               glory of God and to be looking for Christ’s return.   MOVEMENT  BECAUSE  OF  THE  FALSE  DOCTRINE
                  It  is common  for  Pentecostals  and  Charismatics to   ABOUT THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
               misrepresent the non-Charismatic position on miracles,   From the beginning, most Pentecostal denominations
               claiming  that  we  do   not  believe  in  the  miraculous.   have taught  that  the baptism  of  the Holy  Spirit  is  an
               Michael Harper says, “According to them it is  as  if God is   experience that must be sought subsequent to salvation
               now paralysed. He does  not intervene any  more in our   and that it is accompanied by tongues speaking.
               lives. His  hand is shortened” (These Wonderful  Gifts, p.   For  example,  the  Assemblies  of  God’s Statement  of
               105).                                             Fundamental Truths gives the standard Pentecostal view:

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