Page 25 - UNC MC Assistive Personnel Orientation Manual 2020
P. 25
Therapeutic Interactions
Therapeutic Interactions
Do’s Don’ts
Respect personal space (usually an arm’s length) Do not get in the patient’s space
Stand to the side of the patient Avoid face-to-face confrontational
Do make eye contact with the patient Do not stare at patients
They may be paranoid or feel
challenged or judged
Use non-verbal communication (Nodding, body Do not give patients non-verbal
language that shows you are interested) messages that their concerns are not
Do give patients your full attention important
Do speak quietly & clearly Do not raise your voice or speak quickly
Too much information can overwhelm
the patient
Use short sentences when giving directions Do not minimize or make light of the
patient’s feelings or concerns
Use language that the patient understands (no Do not be intrusive
Do listen actively and reflect back what the Do not minimize disturbing behaviors or
patient communicates comments
Use your own words Do not give patients non-verbal
messages that their concerns are not
Do carefully observe the patient’s behaviors & Do not minimize or make light of the
conversations patient’s feelings or concerns
All behavior is meaningful Do not be intrusive
Call for help if you are concerned Do not minimize disturbing behaviors or
Report changes to RN comments
Psychiatric patients often have
untreated medical illnesses
Do observe for mental status changes (mood, Do not minimize mental status changes
memory, speech, consciousness, attention) These changes could be a sign of an
Report changes to RN imminent crisis
Nursing Practice and Professional Development / Assistive Personnel Orientation 2020 Page 24