Page 54 - Power of Stem Cells- arthritis and regeneration
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Theranostics 2018, Vol. 8, Issue 4                                                            908

             medium     (α-MEM)    with    l-glutamine  from    Quantitative real-time PCR
             Macopharma supplemented with  5%  platelet lysate      Total RNA  was isolated from the cells using
             and 3.3 IU/mL heparin up to passage 3  (7).        TRIzol  (Invitrogen) according to the  manufacturer’s
             Characterization  of  MSCs fits  the  internationally   instructions. Total RNA  (200-500 ng)  was reverse
             convened minimal criteria  for these cells  (41). The   transcribed  using the High-Capacity cDNA Reverse
             ATMP  MSCs used  for extracellular vesicles        Transcription Kit  (Applied Biosystems). Real-time
             production in this study were obtained from surplus   polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) were performed
             cells of one male and one female donor used for the   using FastStart Universal SYBR Green Master mix
             IMPACT  trial (NCT02037204)  (7)  and  cultured for   (Roche Diagnostics)  in  a LightCycler 96 (Roche
             additional passages  (passage 4-7) in  α-MEM (Gibco   Diagnostics)  according  to  the  manufacturer’s
             Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA,  USA)  supplemented with   instructions. Quantification was performed relative to
             5% human platelet lysate  (PL),  100 U/mL penicillin   the levels  of the housekeeping gene 18S  and
             and 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Gibco Invitrogen) and   normalized to control conditions. The data  analysis
             10 U/mL  heparin and  maintained at 37 ºC  and  5%   was  performed  using  the  2−ΔΔCT method  (25).  The
             CO 2. The PL was depleted from PL-derived          primer  sequences are listed  in the table in
             extracellular  vesicles by overnight centrifugation at   Supplemental Material  and Methods.  The amplified
             100,000 × g.                                       PCR fragment extended over at least one exon border
             In vitro cartilage regeneration assay              (except for 18S).
                 Cells were cultured in fibrin glue constructs. Per   Proliferation
             donor the following was performed:  For the fibrin     To test for proliferation in monolayer cultures, 10
             glue constructs, passage two chondrocytes were     μM 5-ethylnyl-2’-deoxyuridine (EdU, Invitrogen) was
             resuspended in a 1:15 diluted fibrinogen component   supplemented to the culture medium. After  5 days,
             of Beriplast (Baxter) using PBS and 50 µL was injected   medium was aspirated, cells were washed with PBS,
             in a 96-well plate and combined with a 1:50 diluted   formalin fixed for 15 min and permeabilized. EdU
             component of thrombin, resulting in 100 µL constructs   was visualized using Click-iT EdU Alexa Fluor 488
             containing 0.25 x 10  cells per construct. Chondrocytes   Imaging  kit  (Invitrogen)  according  to  the
             were subsequently cultured in 24-well plate in DMEM   manufacturer’s instructions. Cells were photographed
             supplemented with 2%  insulin–transferrin–selenium   using  an EVOS  FLoid Cell Imaging microscope  and
             (ITS)-X  (Invitrogen),  2% ASAP, 2%  human serum   analyzed in ImageJ.
             albumin (Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation), and 1%      For fibrin glue  constructs in  regeneration
             penicillin/streptomycin (100 U/mL, 100 mg/mL).     cultures, an AlamarBlue assay (10% (w/v) resazurin

             In vitro inflammation assay                        (Alfa Aesar, Thermo Scientific) was  performed to
                 Chondrocytes were cultured in monolayer  at    measure    metabolic   activity   according   to
                                                                manufacturer’s protocol.
             37°C and  5% CO 2  at a seeding  density  of 25,000
             cells/cm    in  medium   consisting  of  DMEM      Collagenase activity assay
             supplemented with  10%  FBS, 100 U/mL penicillin,      To analyze  collagenase  activity, the Enzchek
             and  100 mg/mL streptomycin.  After pre-incubation   Gelatinase/Collagenase Assay Kit (Invitrogen)  was
             for 24 h, cells were treated with 10 ng/mL TNF-alpha   used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. DQ
             (Immunotools).                                     Collagen Fluorescein conjugate was  added to
             Glycosaminoglycan analysis                         undiluted conditioned medium. This  was  incubated
                                                                for 4 h at ambient temperature, protected from light.
                 After 4 weeks of culture, samples were digested   The fluorescence was measured at 480 nm.
             overnight in  a papain digestion buffer (250 mg/mL
             papain (Sigma-Aldrich),  0.2 M NaH2PO4, 0.1 M      Histological analysis
             EDTA, 0.01 M cysteine) at 60°C before quantification   Samples were dehydrated using graded alcohol
             of the sulphated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) content   steps, immersed in xylene, embedded in paraffin, and
             with  a 1,9-dimethylmethylene blue  (DMMB) assay.   cut into 5 mm sections. To evaluate the proteoglycan
             The absorption ratio was set  at 540–595  nm using   content,  0.125% safranin-O (Merck counterstained
             chondroitin-6-sulfate (Sigma-Aldrich) as a  standard.   with Weigert’s hematoxylin  [Klinipath], 0.4% fast
             DNA content in the papain digests was determined   green [Merck]) staining  was used. Type II collagen
             using a Picogreen DNA assay (Invitrogen) according   deposition  was determined by  immunohisto-
             to the manufacturer’s instructions.                chemistry. Antigen  retrieval  was performed by
                                                                subjecting the sections to 1 mg/mL pronase

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