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HUCB-Derived MSCs in Canine Cerebral Ischemia  3563

                           Fig. 14. Confocal images of HUCB-derived MSCs and NeuN and GFAP. CM-DiI-labelled
                           HUCB-derived MSCs are shown as red-fluorescent cells; NeuN- and GFAP-positive cells are
                           shown as green-fluorescent cells. Merged image shows the differentiation of the transplanted cells
                           into neuron and astrocyte (arrow and arrowhead). 31,600. [Color figure can be viewed in the
                           online issue, which is available at]

                The purpose of this study was to examine the    the change in lesion volume after injection of stem cells
           effects of HUCB-derived MSCs delivered through the   by using MRI or TTC staining, showing reduced infarc-
           basilar artery in a canine thromboembolic brain ischemia  tion volumes in both groups with cerebral ischemia but
           model. Only 1 3 10 HUCB-derived MSCs were used       with greater reduction in the infarct volume in the
           for intraarterial transplantation, which was the minimum  stem-cell-injected group, and some studies have noted
           required intravenous dosage of stem cells to achieve  no change in infarction volume after injection of stem
           therapeutic effects in rodent models of brain ischemia,  cells (Li et al., 2002; Vendrame et al., 2004; Honma
           according to a previous study (Vendrame et al., 2004).  et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2006). Li et al. (2002) and
                Neurobehavioral examination was performed dur-  Honma et al. (2006) used T2-weighted images in the
           ing the study by using a previously described neurologi-  analysis of infarct volume change, but FLAIR MR
           cal scoring system (Purdy et al., 1989; Corbet et al.,  images were used in the present study to compare infarct
           1999). Earlier recovery was observed in the HUCBC-   volume changes between the two groups. Dogs have
           injected group at days 7 and 10 (Fig. 4). There was not  larger ventricles than rodents, so signals from the cere-
           a large difference in the neurological scores between two  brospinal fluid could present difficulties in analyzing the
           groups in the later periods of the study. The neurologi-  exact lesion size after cerebral ischemia induction.
           cal scoring system used in this study was focused on  FLAIR MR images can suppress the signal from cere-
           mental status and motor functions, without accurate ex-  brospinal fluid, so better visualization of the periventric-
           amination of cognitive dysfunctions such as learning abil-  ular lesion is obtained (Garosi et al., 2006).
           ity and memory. The neurologic scoring system used in    Earlier recovery of the neurological deficit at days
           this study for dogs (Purdy et al., 1989) consists of 11  7 and 10 and changes in the lesion volume observed in
           point levels (normal 5 2, comatose or dead 5 11) and  FLAIR MR images at week 1 are related. The HUCB-
           assesses only normal or abnormal stage without consider-  derived MSC-transplanted group had earlier recovery of
           ing steps in the status. If a more detailed neurologic  neurological deficits at days 7 and 10 and had decreased
           scoring system was applied with the assessment of func-  lesion volumes at week 1 in FLAIR MR images.
           tional outcome, more differences in the neurological     Recovery from cerebral ischemia induction was
           scores between two groups could be found during the  also observed in the control group in neurobehavioral
           study period.                                        scores and MRI analysis. However, earlier improvement
                Changes in the volume of the ischemic lesion    in neurobehavioral symptoms and MRI lesion volumes
           between the HUCBC and control groups were eval-      was found in the HUCBC group, and earlier improve-
           uated by using MRI. Previous studies have compared   ment in the lesion volume is an important factor for bet-

           Journal of Neuroscience Research
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