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3558   Chung et al.

           Fig. 4. Comparison of neurological scores of HUCBC and control
           groups (*P < 0.05). Neurobehavioral deficit shows gradual improve-
           ment until the end of the study period. HUCBC group shows lower
           deficit score throughout the study period. Significant difference
           between the two groups is found on day 7 and day 10. One dog
           from each group with no neurobehavioral deficit was excluded from
           neurological assessment.

           paraffin. For examination of histopathological alterations asso-
           ciated with brain ischemia by light microscopy, 4-lm-thick
           slices were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE).

                To identify injected HUCB-derived MSCs in brain tis-  Fig. 5. A1–B3: FLAIR coronal MR images of the ischemic lesion
           sue, HUCB-derived MSCs were prelabeled with CM-DiI dye  area. Brain infarction lesion area shows high signal intensity in
           prior to the transplantation to trace the injected HUCB-  FLAIR MR images The upper two rows correspond to lesion vol-
           derived MSCs. To confirm the presence of injected HUCB-  ume changes from day 1 to week 2 in the HUCBC group. The
           derived MSCs in the infarction lesion area, antibodies to  lower two rows in Figure 10 correspond to lesion volume change
           human-specific nuclei (MAB1281; Chemicon, Temecula, CA)  from day 1 to week 2 in the control group. There is a significant
           were used. To identify the cell types derived from trans-  decrease in MRI-estimated lesion volume in the HUCBC group and
           planted HUCB-derived MSCs and to examine the expression  increase in MRI estimated lesion volume in the control group
                                                                between day 1 and week 1.
           of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and vascular en-
           dothelial growth factor (VEGF), immunohistochemical studies
           were performed with the use of antibodies to neurons (anti-  visualized with 3,3 -diaminobenzidine (DAB). Slides were
           NeuN; Chemicon), astrocytes (anti-GFAP; Chemicon), endo-  lightly counterstained with hematoxylin.
           thelial cells (anti-vWF; Chemicon), BDNF (R&D Systems,   A doublestain procedure was performed to identify the
           Minneapolis, MN), and VEGF (R&D Systems).            cell types derived from transplanted HUCB-derived MSCs.
                For immunofluorescent examination, the sections were  EnVision system-AP (EnVision GD2 System/AP, Permanent
           incubated with Alexa Fluor 488 (1:200; Molecular Probes,  Red; DakoCytomation) was used for detecting human cell
           Eugene, OR). For antinuclei studies (MAB1281), Alexa Fluor  nuclei (MAB1281, 1:20) and LSAB/HRP 1 DAB (DakoCy-
           350 (1:200; Molecular Probes) was used. The sections were  tomation) was used for detecting neurons (NeuN; 1:200) and
           examined with a fluorescence microscope (BX 51; Olympus,  astrocytes (GFAP; 1:100). Slides were lightly counterstained
           Tokyo, Japan). A laser scanning confocal microscope (FV-  with hematoxylin. Slices were mounted with mounting solu-
           1000; Olympus) was used to observe colocalization.   tion and observed with a light microscope (BH2; Olympus).

                To identify the injected HUCB-derived MSCs in the  Statistical Analysis
           ischemic lesion area and to examine the morphological fea-  Data are presented as means 6 SDs. Statistical analyses
           tures of injected cells, antibodies to human-specific nuclei  were performed in SPSS (version 12.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL).
           (MAB1281) were used. The antibody was detected by using  Differences among groups were assessed by using a t-test or
           the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method (Universal  Mann-Whitney U-test. Differences were considered statisti-
           LSAB 1 Kit/HRP; DakoCytomation, Carpinteria, CA) and  cally significant at P < 0.05.

                                                                                            Journal of Neuroscience Research
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