Page 29 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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MSCS FOR CHRONIC WOUND TREATMENTS                                                              559

                     Table 2. Animal Studies of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Chronic Wounds
             Wound      Animal   Source          Delivery                          Outcome                  Ref.
             Diabetic   Mouse    BM      Local injection           Enhanced reepithelialization, granulation, and  108
               wounds                                                vascularization
                        Mouse    UC      Subcutaneous injection    Improved angiogenesis and accelerated wound  49
                        Rat      UC      Intraarterial injection   Reduced ulceration area and promoted     109
                        Rat      BM      Intramuscular injection   Promoted angiogenesis and granulation tissue  110
                        Rat      BM      Subcutaneous injection    Reduced inflammation and enhanced wound   111
                        Rat      AT      Local transplantation of cell  Accelerated wound healing and vascularization  112
                                          sheet with artificial skin
             Radiation  Mouse    BM      Intradermal injection     Reduced irradiation-induced inflammation  113
               burns    Mouse    UCB     Local transplantation with  Enhanced wound healing and angiogenesis  114
                        Mouse    UCB     Local implantation with PRP  Increased wound closure rate and angiogenesis  116
                        Rat      UC      Subcutaneous injection    Promoted neovascularization and          115
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                        Rat      BM      Local injection with BMP-2  Accelerated wound healing and enhanced  117
                        Minipig  AT      Intradermal injection at the  Skin healing without necrosis or uncontrollable
                                          wound site                 pain
             Pressure   Mouse    AT      Subcutaneous injection at the  Accelerated wound closure, improved  119
               sores                      wound                      epidermal/dermal architecture, increased
                                                                     adipogenesis, reduced inflammation
                        Mouse    BM      Intradermal injection at the  Suppressed the development of pressure ulcers  120
                                          wound                      after cutaneous ischemia-reperfusion injury
                        Foal     AF      Local implantation with PRP  Accelerated wound healing, without any side  121
               AT, adipose tissue; AF, amniotic fluid; BM, bone marrow; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; UC, umbilical cord; UCB, umbilical cord blood.

             BM-MSCs are widely regarded as the main cell source for  Furthermore, the innate and acquired immune systems of
             future clinical applications 122 ; therefore, the wound healing  rodents and humans are quite different at the cellular, tissue,
             potential of BM-MSCs has been the focus of many animal  and systemic levels, 132–134  such as the percentages of pe-
             studies.                                          ripheral blood leukocytes in humans and mice. 135  In addi-
               Based on the inherent ability of MSCs to migrate into injured  tion, the number and type of cell infiltrate and response in
             skin,    systemic cell delivery methods have been used in  wound healing are not the same in rodents and hu-
                                                 74,102,107,126     132,134,136–138
             animal studies, including intravenous infusion,  in-  mans.       Since these species variations greatly
             traarterial injection, 109  and intraperitoneal transplantation. 101  In  impact wound healing outcomes and timelines, 136,138,139
             some of these studies, MSCs were found to differentiate into  they should be taken into consideration when choosing an
             skin cells at the wound sites. 8,126  The transplantation of MSCs  animal model and interpreting the results of animal studies.
             increased the levels of prohealing factors at the wounds, 74,101  Given this, reproducible animal models that closely mi-
             and improved the strength of repair tissues. 127  mic human wound healing are highly encouraged in the
               Although systemic cell delivery methods are easy to operate,  future, such as porcine skin wound models. 118,140  However,
             it should be noted that the efficiency of cell engraftment at the  until now, none of existing animal models can successfully
             wounds is low. 54,128  Consequently, alternative methods have  recapitulate the heterogeneity and complexity of chronic
             been used to improve cell retention at the wounds, such as local  wounds in humans. 141,142  It is noteworthy that the animal
             injection of cell suspension 103–105,108,110,111  or scaffold-assisted  models in Table 2 are not really true chronic wound models,
             cell grafting. 129,130  By these means, the transplantation of  but are more delayed wound models.
             MSCs also resulted in improved wound healing, showing de-
             creased inflammation, 111  increased angiogenesis, 49,106,110  im-  Clinical Trials
             proved granulation, 102,108,110  and accelerated closure. 49,108,111
               Because of the low cost of the animals and their rela-  Since MSC-based therapy has shown improved wound
             tively easy availability, rodent models have been widely  healing in many animal studies, the use of MSCs for chronic
             used in the study of MSC-based wound healing. However,  wounds continue to advance toward clinical trials. On the
             there are considerable differences between the healing  public website of the Clinical Trials Data Bank at the Na-
             mechanism of human wounds and rodent wounds. In rodents,  tional Institutes of Health (, 38
             skin wounds heal mainly by wound contraction, whereas  clinical trials were registered to investigate the healing po-
             human skin wounds heal primarily by reepithelialization and  tential of MSCs for chronic wounds (as at December 30,
             granulation. 131                                  2019) (Table 3), mainly lower extremity ulcers and pressure
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