Page 34 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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564                                                                                  HUANG ET AL.

             transformation of cells, the risk of promoting tumor growth  The carrier used to deliver MSCs markedly influences
             in vivo, and the potential of cell maldifferentiation.  their paracrine activities and differentiation potential. 170–172
               During ex vivo expansion, it has been reported that ge-  Safe and efficient cell delivery methods are encouraged
             nomic instability accumulated in the latter passages of  in the future. For chronic wounds, scaffold-assisted cell
             MSCs, 160,161  causing the concern about the potential ma-  grafting has shown promising outcomes in many preclinical
             lignant transformation of graft cells. Therefore, when de-  studies, 114,116,128,129,173,174  which may be the way forward
             veloping clinical trials, the suitable cell passages should be  for clinical translation. For instance, delivering MSCs
             determined; especially, the genotype of graft cells should be  within a fibrin gel has been reported in several clinical tri-
             analyzed before cell transplantation.              als. 145,156  Apart from fibrin gel, platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
               In some animal models, it has been observed that MSCs  has been recognized as a promising cell delivery vehicle for
             can home to tumor sites and favor tumor growth and pro-  chronic wound healing. 121,175  PRP contains fibrin and high
             gression. 162,163  Although current clinical trials, to the best of  concentrations of growth factors. It has been reported that
             our knowledge, do not report any adverse cases of tumor  PRP can restart the healing process of chronic wounds that
             formation after the administration of MSCs in vivo, it is still  were recalcitrant to other treatments.  Interestingly, when
             necessary to rule out any negative effects by strict cell-  in combination with MSCs, PRP improves the therapeutic
             quality control and long-term follow-up. Furthermore, the  efficacy of MSCs by enhancing their survival, proliferation,
             possibility of maldifferentiation of graft cells, another se-  and the secretion of angiogenic factors. 58,116,177  Based on
             vere side effect, should be avoided in MSC-based therapy.  these encouraging studies, the clinical application potential
             For example, in a rat acute glomerulonephritis model, MSCs  of MSC-laden PRP deserves further investigation.
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             have been observed to maldifferentiate into adipocytes,
             which resulted in chronic kidney disease. 164
               It is generally acknowledged that the paracrine action of  Future clinical trials
             MSCs is the primary wound healing mechanism of MSC-  Despite the promising results achieved in animal studies
             based therapy. Since MSC conditioned medium contains  and clinical trials, there is no sufficient evidence to support
             various kinds of paracrine factors secreted by MSCs during  the utilization of MSCs as a standard therapy for chronic
             in vitro culture, it is considered as a promising strategy to  wounds. First, the number of patients recruited in current
             aid chronic wound healing, which is verified by several  clinical trials, both complete and ongoing, is small.
             animal studies. 42,46–49,67,94  Importantly, comparing with  Second, most clinical studies lack an appropriate control,
             direct transplantation of MSCs in vivo, MSC-conditioned  which raises some concerns about whether MSC-based
             medium avoids the risk of maldifferentiation or malignant  therapy is superior to conventional wound treatments. It is
             transformation of grafted cells, thus providing a much safer  reasonable to use standard wound care as the control group
             approach. Despite this, more preclinical and clinical studies,  to determine the safety and efficiency of MSC-based ther-
             especially clinical evaluation of the safety and efficiency of  apy. Notably, various conventional cell-based therapies,
             MSC-conditioned medium, are required in the future.  especially bioengineered skin substitutes composed of fi-
                                                                broblasts and keratinocytes, have been approved by the U.S.
                                                                FDA and commercialized for the treatment of chronic ul-
             Cell treatment methods                                178
                                                                cers.  Although it has been demonstrated in animal studies
               To maximize the healing potential of MSCs, particular  that fibroblast transplantation was less effective than MSC-
             attention should be devoted to optimize the dose, time,  based therapy for chronic wounds, 179,180  no clinical study
             frequency, and route of treatment. The effective dose of  has been conducted to determine whether MSC-based
             MSCs has not been clearly defined according to different  therapy was superior to conventional cell-based therapy.
             clinical indications of chronic wounds. Although one-time  Definitely, a direct comparison among these approaches in
             administration is acceptable for many acute injuries, re-  well-designed clinical studies will provide valuable infor-
             peated administration of MSCs at certain intervals has been  mation for the wound care providers to make a suitable
             reported to greatly influence the healing outcomes of  wound treatment decision. Therefore, in future clinical
             chronic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease and liver  studies, it is helpful to use conventional cell-based therapy
             fibrosis. 165,166  Thus, for chronic wounds, the treatment fre-  as the positive control to determine the efficiency of MSC-
             quency needs to be better defined on the basis of wound  based therapy.
             types.                                               Third, there are many variations in the clinical trials (e.g.,
               In addition, the treatment time frame influences the effi-  cell source, dose, wound type), which hinder a direct com-
             ciency of MSC-based therapy. Generally, tissue healing  parison among different studies. Furthermore, some incon-
             includes three phases: the injury phase (hours), the repair  sistency was noted in the inclusion/exclusion criteria of
             phase (days), and the remodeling phase (weeks). The opti-  patients among different studies. It is important to establish
             mal time to administrate MSCs depends on the condition of  suitable and consistent criteria for patient selection, which
             diseases, such as the severity of tissue injury. In the treat-  lay the foundation for further comparison of different
             ment of myocardial infarction, it is believed that the repair  treatments. Since few randomized, controlled clinical trials
             phase (i.e., 4–7 days after infarction) is the optimal time  have been conducted thus far, high-quality clinical studies
             frame for stem cell transplantation, 167,168  while in the  are badly required in the future, especially large-scale,
             treatment of traumatic brain injury, MSCs should be grafted  randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trials with
             as soon as possible. 169  To date, the optimal therapeutic time  long-term follow-up.
             frame of MSCs remains a puzzle in chronic wound healing  To achieve a better comparison among different studies
             and needs further investigation.                   and to build a robust pool of clinical evidence, standardized
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