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                     Table 4. Clinical Studies of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for Chronic Wounds
                                                      in the Literature
             Wound        Investigator    Source           Delivery         Phase          Outcome          Ref.
             LEU      Lafosse et al. (2015) AT    Local implantation in a  CR      Improved dermal           146
                                                    collagen matrix                  angiogenesis and
                      Moon et al. (2019)  AT      Local implantation in a  RCT     Higher rate of complete   153
                                                    hydrogel sheet                   wound closure; reduced
                                                                                     Kaplan-Meier median time
                                                                                     to complete closure
                      Falanga et al. (2007) BM    Local implantation in a fibrin CR  Wounds healed within 20  145
                                                    gel                              weeks
                      Dash et al. (2009)  BM      Local delivery           RCT     Reduced ulcer size        150
                      Lu et al. (2011)   BM       Local injection          RCT     Promoted foot ulcer healing  151
                      Kirana et al. (2012)  BM    Intramuscular or intraarterial  RCT  Improve microcirculation;  152
                                                    injection in lower limb          support wound healing in
                                                                                     diabetic foot patients
                                                                                     without option of
    Downloaded by from at 08/10/21. For personal use only.
                      Benı ´tez-Arvı ´zu et al. BM  Local implantation in PRP  CR  The wound healed; no      175
                        (2015)                                                       complications in 1-year
                      Maksimova et al.   BM       Topical application of cell  CR  Accelerated
                        (2017)                      suspension                       reepithelialization; all
                                                                                     wounds were closed
                      Hashemi et al.     Wharton’s Local implantation with  CR     Significantly decreased    186
                        (2019)            jelly     acellular amniotic               wound-healing time and
                                                    membrane                         wound size
                      Qin et al. (2016)  Umbilical Endovascular infusion and  RCT  No serious complications;  147
                                          cord      injection around ulcer           increased neovessels,
                                                                                     complete or gradual ulcer
                      Wu et al. (2017)   Placenta  Deep intramuscular injection  Phase 1 No serious adverse events;  148
                                                    into the calf of leg with        preliminary evidence of
                                                    index ulcer                      ulcer healing within 3
                      Zeng et al. (2017)  Placenta  Topical application in an  CR  The ulcer was almost healed;  149
                                                    alginate gel                     no complications; no
                                                                                     recurrence in the follow-up
                                                                                     of 6 months
             Radiation Lataillade et al.  BM      Local injection          CR      Decreased wound size; almost  154
               burns    (2007)                                                       complete healing 1-month
                      Bey et al. (2010)  BM       Local injection          CR      No recurrence of radiation  155
                                                                                     inflammatory waves in 8-
                                                                                     month follow-up
                      Portas et al. (2016)  BM    Local implantation in a fibrin CR  Reduced inflammation,     156
                                                    matrix                           improved vasculature and
                                                                                     skin quality
             Pressure  Yoshikawa et al.  BM       Local implantation in a  CR      The ulcer almost healed in 9
               sores    (2008)                      collagen sponge                  of 11 pressure sore
                                                                                     patients; the ulcer did not
                                                                                     recur for at least 1-year in
                                                                                     seven patients
               CR, case report; LEU, lower extremity ulcers; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

             cell (ASC) sheets for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. 153  logeneic ASC transplantation. These results revealed that
             Thirty patients were recruited in the ASC group, and the  ASCs, an important source of MSCs, hold great therapeutic
             control group contained 29 patients treated with polyure-  potential for diabetic foot ulcers.
             thane films. A higher rate of complete wound closure was  The inclusion/exclusion criteria of previous clinical trials
             recorded in the ASC group, and its Kaplan–Meier median  are important basis for establishing standards for patient
             time to complete closure was shorter than that of the control  selection in future MSC-based wound therapy. For lower
             group. There were no serious adverse events related to al-  extremity ulcers, the inclusion/exclusion criteria depend
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