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                                                  Chapter Leader Meeting

                                          By Carl Pomponio                           in each chapter in hopes to share success sto-
                                                                                     ries. We also discussed a reward system to keep
                                               On Friday at 9am the Hot Wheels Newsletter held   members engaged, whether through recognition,
                                               our chapter leader meeting. We had 12 chapters   t shirts or additional cars, any type of ‘give back’
                                               in attendance. If you are interested in starting your   keeps members coming back.
                                               own chapter, this is a definite seminar for you to   I want to thank the following chapters for their
                                               attend. There is always an incredible amount of   participation, enthusiasm, feedback and support.
                                               leadership as well as experience in maintaining a   All Iowa HWC, Arizona Outlaws, New Jersey DCC,
                                               chapter present and who are willing to share with   NE Ohio HWC, Top of Iowa HWC, Indy HWC,
                                               anyone that wishes to expand chapter offerings to   Windy City HWC, Northland Diecast collectors,
                                               collectors.                           Pacific NW Hot Wheelers, Southern New England
                                               The meeting opened up with our introductions   HW, Thursday Night Wheels AZ, NorCal HWC.
                                               and a discussion around chapter sustainability   Without your chapters and participation none of
                                               and events. Several chapters posted their sugges-  this is possible. Thanks….See you in Dallas for the
                                               tions on how they interact with their members to   beginning of the 50th Anniversary!!!!
                                               get some additional volunteers to help with club
                                               events. There was a discussion about how to iden-
                                               tify future chapter officers through these event
                                               leaders and provide someone else a chance to
                                               lead the club. The chapters also noted how imper-
                                               ative it is to get others involved with the decision
                                               making process of the chapter. Keeping everyone
                                               engaged insures the future of the chapter. We
                                               shared some events that have been successful

                                       Casting & Price Guides to Hot

                                       Wheels 50 Years of Hot Wheels                                           ®

                                       Coming soon!The newest edition of   Volume 2:
                                       the only series of definitive books on   Lists all basic line Hot Wheels  ve-
                                       the hobby of Hot Wheels  collecting   hicles issued from 1997 up to and
                                       from 1968 to 2017.           including some early 2009 castings.
                                                                    Early ‘70s series including Revvers,
                                       The new! HW Newsletter guide:   Sizzlers , Rrrumblers, Chopcycles,
                                       Over 200 pages and 3300 plus   etc. as well as the newer Sizzlers ,
                                       photographs of of all known releas-  Color Racers, Crack-Ups, Flip-
                                       es from the remainder of 2008 to   Outs from the ‘80s to present are
                                       November 2017.               covered. And much more! De-
                                                                    tailed descriptions of each model,
                                       Volume 1:                    including all variations known to
                                       Includes an in-depth history of the   the authors, are organized in an
                                       Hot Wheels  line and listings, includ-  easy-to-read and locate format.
                                       ing all color and variations released   This second volume features full-color, close-up photos of all models.
                                       before April 2008, for all basic line   To order Volume 1 and Volume 2 now go to The Hot Wheels Newsletter
                                       Hot Wheels® models originally   website at or Google - Hot Wheels Newslet-
                                       released from 1968 through 1996.   ter and go to the Hot Wheels Store supported by hobbyDB.
                                       You’ll love the addition of the Hot
                                       Wheels  Buttons chapter!

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