Page 6 - Revised thinking of selling
P. 6
is your house ready?
One of the mistakes people make is That is when we suggest to spend a
thinking they need to spend tens of small amount of cash to just update and
thousands of dollars to upgrade a refresh an area. As it could turn a
kitchen or a bathroom so that they can potential buyer off to see the amount of
get more on the Sale. work they have to put into the home.
This isn’t necessarily needed – the one So take a look, is it clean, tidy,
word I want you to remember is “EASY”. functional, able to be easily
changed/modified? Work on any little
A buyer could have seen your kitchen things like tighten those loose doorknobs
when your house was listed at or patch up some superficial cracks and
$600,000k and liked it, or even thought if you really want to do a little
to themselves “I could upgrade this” or modernizing change out the kitchen
even “I like this!”. splashback, and update those light
fixtures if you like.. Move on.
However, with upgrading a kitchen
purely for resale, the sale cost rises say Save your money for your next home,
to $640,000k and essentially it is the maybe even a spa...
buyer’s money you’ve used to do it up.
And they might not like how you spent
their $40,000k on the kitchen.
If a buyer can look at a dated kitchen
or bathroom and see it is EASY to
upgrade or change – or its easy to use
and live with then you’re fine.
But if you are not selling/marketing your
home as a reno do -up and the
bathroom has half tiled walls, leaky
taps, water stains on the floorboards
etc – then here’s another word “WORK”.