Page 2 - Newsletter November 2020_Neat
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What’s New?

       If you’re thinking of selling your home,

       find out how much your home is worth!

       The current market is resulting in top prices for vendors in residential

       The process is fast, easy, and obligation free!

       Step 1: Contact us to request your appraisal
       Step 2: We will contact you to get details about your home
       Step 3: Visit your home/rental
       Step 4: Appraisal results within 48 hours with a marketing plan

       We can tell you what your home is worth based upon examination of your
       property, our area expertise, thorough market research, and a study of recent
       sales of comparable homes in your suburb.

       We promise a 48-hour delivery when requesting your free appraisal - the quick
       and easy way to stay up to date with the current value of your home.

       Simply contact us via phone or email to start the process!

       Talk soon,
       Chris and Karen

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