Page 4 - Newsletter November 2020_Neat
P. 4

it dips, until you sell it.                                I get to 55 and think, I want to retire?
                                                                  What if I get made redundant?’
       When is right to buy?
                                                                  If you’re in a pandemic and you lose
       I   wouldn’t        suggest       buying       an          your  job,  at  least  you  have
       investment if you’re only a couple of                      something to sell.
       years into your first mortgage. I’d wait
       until  you’d  knocked  off  a  bit  of  the                In a crisis, people who have a rental
       mortgage, but not all of it.                               property  don’t  have  to  sell  their
                                                                  family home, but they could sell their
       If you wait until you’ve paid it off, it will              rental,  use  the  balance  to  pay  off
       have  taken  another  10  years,  and                      their mortgage and still have some
       house prices will have gone up again.                      change.

       I  think  you  have  to  look  at  your                    Using leverage
       personal circumstances. Ask yourself,
       ‘If I’m earning a good income, where                       The  good  thing  about  rental
       am  I  going  to  put  my  money?  Yes,  I                 property  is  that  you  can  use
       might put it into Kiwisaver, but I can’t                   leverage  (borrowings)  to  buy.  You
       get  that  until  I  am  65,  and  there  are              don’t even have to have a deposit if
       some restrictions around that. What if                     you’ve got enough equity and meet


                                   Thinking of selling? Contact us for a FREE appraisal!

                                   Chris      0274 960 959 
                                   Karen      0272 961 449 
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