Page 3 - Newsletter November 2020_Neat
P. 3

Affording Retirement

                                  Flat Whites

            If you want to afford a comfortable retirement,

              a rental property can help you get there, says

               Barfoot & Thompson director Kiri Barfoot.

       (Article from Juno Investing)

       I’m not that different to most Kiwis - I                Your power bills are probably going to
       want to retire well. And I bet you do,                  be  higher  because  you’re  home  all
       too.                                                    day,  and  you  might  feel  you  have  to
       When I give up work, I don’t want to
       be that person who won’t go to a café                   I’m  fortunate  that  I  was  raised  in  a
       for  a  coffee.  I  don’t  want  to  have  to           family      of     experts        in    property
       stay  at  home  and  boil  the  jug  for  an            investment,  and  I’ve  invested  in
       instant coffee.                                         property myself.

       I don’t want to recycle tea bags.                       For many Kiwis, property can be a way
                                                               to create a financial buffer, and we’ve
       I want to be able to afford to put my                   just seen that sometimes you urgently
       heat pump on, and not have to sit in                    need one.
       bed all day because it’s too cold in my
       house.                                                  Owning a rental property as you start
                                                               to  approach  retirement  gives  you
       We forget, you know, those of us who                    options.
       work in an office, that when we come
       to work, it’s all nice and warm.                        The  share  market  does  give  you  a
                                                               good return, but you could also lose -
       But when you’re retired, you’re mainly                  it could go down. I find that property
       staying at home and you might have                      doesn’t  tend  to  go  down  as
       an old, cold house.                                     dramatically, and it doesn’t matter that


          Looking to buy? Let’s talk through your options!

          Chris      0274 960 959 
          Karen      0272 961 449 
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