Page 5 - Newsletter November 2020_Neat
P. 5

the bank’s criteria.                                    with property I’d say you only need to
                                                               own your own and one other house.
       You might have to top it up a little bit
       initially,  and  spend  some  money                     I know from the people we work with
       bringing  the  house  up  to  Healthy                   in  property  management  that  you
       Homes  standards,  but  over  time  the                 don’t need multiple properties.
       rents  will  keep  going  up  -  and  since
       2010, interest rates have been going                    Well, that’s unless that’s your goal.
                                                               If  you  can  recycle  the  equity  in  your
       And the price of your house is likely to                current  property  and  borrow  some
       have  gone  up,  so  if  you  bought                    money  from  the  bank,  you  may  not
       something  10  years  ago  for  half  a                 even have to pay a deposit.
       million, you’ll likely find it’s now worth
       a million.                                              And you can always do up properties.

       Your mortgage might be $300,000, so                     There’s  always  something  you  can
       if you sell it, you’re going to do okay.                add  value  to  if  you  have  time,  and
                                                               you’re good with your hands.
       You  don’t  even  have  to  sell  it.  You
       could just earn an income from it. The                  If you want to own a rental property in
       rent  will  probably  always  go  up,  but              New Zealand, and you already own a
       the mortgage over the same time will                    house, have a good deposit or a good
       go down.                                                income  (and  the  bank  likes  you),  I’d
                                                               say it’s entirely possible to do just that.
       You could be getting $700 a week in
       rent  and  only  paying  2.5  per  cent  in
       interest,  so  you’re  actually  making
       money from it.

       When is too late?

       People  wonder  when  it’s  too  late  to
       buy a property. People now live to 80
       or 85. My generation could live to 100,
       so  in  your  fifties  you’re  only  halfway

       I  think  it’s  good  for  people  to  have
       investments  in  different  baskets,  but

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