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the 2008 prosthesis, the trimmed wax model   Conclusion
            for the new 2018 prosthesis, and that same   To design an ocular prosthesis that is mechanically and
            model with further modifications (shown in   cosmetically acceptable requires a high degree of analysis of
            red).                                      the patient’s socket, the orbital implant or lack thereof, the
              The wax model was finished with the      eyelids, and the surrounding tissues. In a perfect world, all of
            placement of an iris button. After casting   these components would work together to support an ocular
            the wax model and processing, the anterior   prosthesis in a position that mirrors the companion eye and
            surface of the acrylic duplicate was cut back   eye lids. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world but
            and then painted. The finished prosthesis was   rather a world in which human bodies are constantly changing
            delivered to the patient and is shown in Figure   with age. Consequently, we ocularists must do the best that we
            6. When the two eyes are compared, one can   can for our patients given the physical condition in which we
            see that the socket and the surrounding tis-  find them.
            sues on the right side are markedly lower than
            those on the left side.                    References
              The author and the patient were satis-   1.   Farkas JP, Pressa JE, Hubbard B, Rohrich RK (2013) The
            fied, given the circumstances, with the fit of   science and theory behind facial aging.American Society of
            the new prosthesis, but the author was not    Plastic Surgeons. Available at:
            satisfied with the value of the iris. He advised   lication/266624746_The_Science_and_Theory_behind_Fa-
            the patient to return in 2 weeks for a color   cial_Aging. Accessed: March 23, 2020.
            adjustment and the patient was given an    2.   Coleman SR, Grover R (2006) The anatomy of the aging
            appointment time and date. The patient        face: Volume loss and changes in 3-dimensional topogra-
            did not keep his appointment. The author      phy. J Aesthetic Surg Jan-Feb:S4-S9 (Suppl)
            anticipates that he will see the patient again
            sometime in 2028.                          3.   Lambros V (2007) Observations on periorbital and midface
                                                          aging. Plast Reconstr Surg 1210(5):1367-1376
                                                                Established in 2017 by the
                                                                American Society of Ocularists, our

                                                                mission is to provide the highest
                                                                quality educational experience to
                                                Established in 2017 by the American Society
                                                of Ocularists, our mission is to provide the highest
                                                                students of Ocularistry.
                                                quality educational experience to students of Ocularistry.

                The  ASO, College of Ocularistry (COO)
                COO Courses                      The ASO, College of Ocularistry (COO) offers a five year (minimum) education
           offers a five year (minimum) education pro- program. This program supplements your on-the- job training with academic
                and Workshops
                                                 courses and hands- on instruction provided by Board Approved Diplomate
           gram. This program supplements your on-the-     COO Courses and
                                                 Ocularists, ophthalmologists, and professionals from related fields.
           job training with academic courses and hands-
           on instruction provided by Board Approved Dip-  Workshops
           lomate Ocularists, ophthalmologists, and pro-
           fessionals from related fields.

                      Lab Skills Workshop held at    Iris Painting Workshop      Fitting Techniques Course
                        local Ocularist’s office

                             For more information go to: and click on the College link.
               Lab Skills Workshop held at         Iris Painting Workshop
                 local Ocularist’s office                                    Fitting Techniques Course
                   For more information go to: and click on the College link.
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