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“It was at this Ft. Lauderdale meeting, where I   Conclusion
               was introduced to Hugh Laubheimer. Being that I   During the transformative decade of the 1970s the
               was the ASO Facilities Chair at the time we spent   American Society of Ocularists set in place a frame-
               a lot of time on and off the phone over the next   work of policies essential to the Society’s function to
               10 years. Hugh and I became good friends. It was   the present day.
               through my friendship with Hugh that I was able   Highlights of these changes are:
               to acquire the knowledge of the early history of   n  New standard of a two-year term of presidency
               the ASO. With Hugh’s encouragement, I took on
               the responsibility of ASO schedules, meeting an-  n  Formation of set committees
               nouncements and newsletters. Coordinating this   n  Establishment of two meetings a year
               type of communication was essential to the future   n  Joint Scientific Session and A.D. Ruedemann Award
               of the ASO.”                                      Lecture in conjunction with the AAO
               —Walter Johnson                                n  Educational curriculum with a purpose of training
               It was during the next two meetings in 1979 (spring   ocularists and continuing education for members
            in St. Petersburg Beach, Florida and fall in San Fran-  n  Creation of an ocularist certification process
            cisco, California) that discussions continued regard-  (NEBO)
            ing the formation of the separate certifying body for   It was most certainly a decade of major
            ocularists. John Kelley, Sr. had located and discussed   achievement for the ASO.
            the situation with a firm of psychometricians in Phila-
            delphia, Pennsylvania. For a reduced fee, they agreed   References:
            to take on our (yet to be named) certifying body as   1.   Workman, CL. American Society of Ocularists.
            a client. The ASO Board of Directors planned on the   Today’s Ocularist. Winter Edition. 1972;1(1):7-9.
            official formation of this certifying body at the next   2.   Workman, CL. American Society of Ocularists.
            meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Hugh Laubeimer     Today’s Ocularist. Winter Edition. 1972;1(2):5-9.
            had legal training earlier in his life and as a newly des-  3.   Workman, CL. American Society of Ocularists.
            ignated Executive Director of the ASO, he formulated   Today’s Ocularist. Winter Edition. 1972;1(3):4-6.
            the charter.                                      4.   Kelley, JJ. Proposal: Educational Program for
              At the 1980 Spring Meeting in San Juan, Puerto     American Society of Ocularists.Today’s Ocularist.
            Rico, The National Examining Board of Ocularists     1972;1(1):5-6.
            (NEBO) was born.  This was just the beginning of the
            overwhelming task that the NEBO Committee was     5.   Johnson, WJ. Course#934 Letters from ASO Leg-
            undertaking for the next few years. The members of   ends: A Historical Perspective. Lecture presented
            this committee spent endless hours on the phone      at: Annual Meeting of the American Society of
            and at meetings throughout the country bringing the   Ocularists. October 20, 2007; Chicago, IL.
            ocularist certification process to fruition.      6.   Jahrling, RC. The American Society of Ocularists
              Due to both the excellent educational programs     from formation to NCHA (1956-1981): A chronol-
            offered by the ASO, and the advent of ocularist      ogy. The Journal of Ophthalmic Prosthetics.
            certification through the formation of NEBO, the     2004;9(1):1-10.
            society was growing at a very attractive pace. At this   7.   Jahrling, RC. The National Examining Board of
            point, the ASO would never look back.                Ocularists (1980 to Early 1982): A chronology.
                                                                 The Journal of Ophthalmic Prosthetics.

                                                              The authors would like to thank Michael Hughes and
                                                              John Kelly, Jr. for providing some of the photographs
                                                              used in this article.

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