Page 40 - Doctor inks journal1
P. 40

Contessa Negra – 8.5

                                     Don Julio Blanco

                                  Dolin Chamberyzette

                              Bitterman’s Burlesque Bitters.


         While down Mexico way once again the Doctor met with a young Count Camillo
            Negroni working as a rodeo clown, as part of a touring wild-west troupe.

          Daedalus, taking a shine to the Count's beautiful fiancé, got the poor Count so
          drunk so regularly on this unusual bittersweet concoction, that the Count was
         unaware of the illicit affair going on with his affianced Contessa Negra and the

                                    not so good Doctor.
         Needless to say Camillo eventually became wise to this & chased Daedalus away
                             with his new Samuel Colt handgun.

             The Doctor never forgot his love of the Contessa and the taste of her
                                     strawberry lips…

         …Just as the Count never forgot his love of strong liquor when he returned to
                                        Italy alone.

                 Inspiration.  Professor Jerry Thomas The Bon Vivant’s Companion 1862

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